activatedColumnsAutoSize property

  1. @override
bool activatedColumnsAutoSize

Whether columnsAutoSizeMode should be applied while columnsAutoSizeMode is enabled.

After changing the state of the column, set whether to apply columnsAutoSizeMode again according to the value below. PlutoGridColumnSizeConfig.restoreAutoSizeAfterHideColumn PlutoGridColumnSizeConfig.restoreAutoSizeAfterFrozenColumn PlutoGridColumnSizeConfig.restoreAutoSizeAfterMoveColumn PlutoGridColumnSizeConfig.restoreAutoSizeAfterInsertColumn PlutoGridColumnSizeConfig.restoreAutoSizeAfterRemoveColumn

If the above values are set to false, columnsAutoSizeMode is not applied after changing the column state.

In this case, if the width of the grid is changed again or there is a layout change, it will be activated again.


bool get activatedColumnsAutoSize =>
    enableColumnsAutoSize && _state._activatedColumnsAutoSize != false;