User class



User({int? id, int? hasProfileImage, int? timelinePrivacy, String? nickName, String? displayName, String? dateOfBirth, int? avatar, int? gender, double? karma, bool? premium, int? enable2fa, bool? verifiedAccount, int? dateformat, String? defaultLang, String? friendListPrivacy, String? nameColor, String? fullName, String? location, String? timezone, int? bdayPrivacy, int? plurksCount, int? responseCount, int? pinnedPlurkId, int? backgroundId, bool? showAds, int? showLocation, bool? following, bool? settings, int? following_tl, int? following_im, int? profileViews, String? avatarSmall, String? avatarMedium, String? avatarBig, String? about, String? aboutRenderred, String? pageTitle, int? recruited, String? relationship, int? friendsCount, int? fansCount, String? joinDate, String? privacy, String? acceptPrivatePlurkFrom, bool? postAnonymousPlurk, List<String>? badges, bool? linkFacebook, bool? setupFacebookSync, bool? setupTwitterSync, bool? setupWeiboSync, Filter? filter, int? followingCount, Anniversary? anniversary, int? creature, String? creatureUrl, int? creatureSpecial, String? creatureSpecialUrl, String? email, bool? emailConfirmed, int? uid})
User.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)


about String?
getter/setter pair
aboutRenderred String?
getter/setter pair
acceptPrivatePlurkFrom String?
getter/setter pair
anniversary ↔ Anniversary?
getter/setter pair
avatar int?
getter/setter pair
avatarBig String?
getter/setter pair
avatarMedium String?
getter/setter pair
avatarSmall String?
getter/setter pair
backgroundId int?
getter/setter pair
badges List<String>?
getter/setter pair
bdayPrivacy int?
getter/setter pair
creature int?
getter/setter pair
creatureSpecial int?
getter/setter pair
creatureSpecialUrl String?
getter/setter pair
creatureUrl String?
getter/setter pair
dateformat int?
getter/setter pair
dateOfBirth String?
getter/setter pair
defaultLang String?
getter/setter pair
displayName String?
getter/setter pair
email String?
getter/setter pair
emailConfirmed bool?
getter/setter pair
enable2fa int?
getter/setter pair
errorText String?
getter/setter pairinherited
fansCount int?
getter/setter pair
filter ↔ Filter?
getter/setter pair
following bool?
getter/setter pair
following_im int?
getter/setter pair
following_tl int?
getter/setter pair
followingCount int?
getter/setter pair
friendListPrivacy String?
getter/setter pair
friendsCount int?
getter/setter pair
fullName String?
getter/setter pair
gender int?
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasProfileImage int?
getter/setter pair
id int?
getter/setter pair
joinDate String?
getter/setter pair
karma double?
getter/setter pair
linkFacebook bool?
getter/setter pair
location String?
getter/setter pair
nameColor String?
getter/setter pair
nickName String?
getter/setter pair
pageTitle String?
getter/setter pair
pinnedPlurkId int?
getter/setter pair
plurksCount int?
getter/setter pair
postAnonymousPlurk bool?
getter/setter pair
premium bool?
getter/setter pair
privacy String?
getter/setter pair
profileViews int?
getter/setter pair
recruited int?
getter/setter pair
relationship String?
getter/setter pair
responseCount int?
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
settings bool?
getter/setter pair
setupFacebookSync bool?
getter/setter pair
setupTwitterSync bool?
getter/setter pair
setupWeiboSync bool?
getter/setter pair
showAds bool?
getter/setter pair
showLocation int?
getter/setter pair
successText String?
getter/setter pairinherited
timelinePrivacy int?
getter/setter pair
timezone String?
getter/setter pair
uid int?
getter/setter pair
verifiedAccount bool?
getter/setter pair


backgroundUrl() String
bigAvatarUrl() String
birthDateTime() DateTime?
genderStr() String
hasBackground() bool
hasError() bool
hasSuccess() bool
joinDateTime() DateTime?
mediumAvatarUrl() String
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
smallAvatarUrl() String
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.