getSongsByGenre method

Future<List<Song>> getSongsByGenre({
  1. required String genre,
  2. int coverArtSize = 500,

Get all the songs in the Apple Music library with the genre. Specify a coverArtSize to fetch the current song with that coverArtSize.


Future<List<Song>> getSongsByGenre(
    {required String genre, int coverArtSize = 500}) async {
  final result = await playerChannel.invokeMethod<List<dynamic>>(
      <String, dynamic>{'genre': genre, 'size': coverArtSize});
  final songs = <Song>[];
  if (result != null) {
    for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
      songs.add(Song.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic>.from(result[i])));
  return songs;