progress_bar/progress_bar library
- ProgressBar
- A progress bar widget to show or set the location of the currently playing audio or video content.
- ThumbDragDetails
- Data to pass back on drag callback events
- BarCapShape
- The shape of the progress bar at the left and right ends.
- TimeLabelLocation
- This is where the current time and total time labels should appear in relation to the progress bar.
- TimeLabelType
- The time label on the right hand side can be shown as the totalTime or as the remainingTime. If the choice is remainingTime then this will be shown as a negative number.
- ThumbDragStartCallback = void Function(ThumbDragDetails details)
- The callback signature for when the thumb begins a horizontal drag.
- ThumbDragUpdateCallback = void Function(ThumbDragDetails details)
- The callback signature for when the thumb is moving on horizontally and has new data.