Platform Builder

A Flutter library for performing platform checks and building widgets based on platform and form factor.

Platform checks

import 'package:platform_builder/platform_builder.dart';

if (Platform.instance.isAndroid) {
} else if (Platform.instance.isWeb) {

Platform builders

import 'package:platform_builder/platform_builder.dart';

class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  build(context) {
    return PlatformBuilder(
      androidBuilder: (context) => Icon(,
      iOSBuilder: (context) => Icon(,


The libray provides builders for the following platforms:

  • android
  • iOS
  • macOS
  • linux
  • fuschia
  • windows
  • web
  • chrome extension

By default all platforms are enabled and the PlatformBuilder will throw an error if you forget to include an implementation for one of the supported platforms. To specify your preferred platforms, call the Platform.init to initialize the Platform singleton with the list of your application's supported platforms:

import 'package:platform_builder/platform_builder.dart';

  supportedPlatforms: [

If a particular PlatformBuilder needs to override the global supported platforms, such as during active development, you can pass an override to the widget:

import 'package:platform_builder/platform_builder.dart';

class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  build(context) {
    return PlatformBuilder(
      supportedPlatforms: [Platforms.iOS,],
      androidBuilder: (context) => Icon(,
      iOSBuilder: (context) => Icon(,

Form Factors

There are additional helpers for the following form factors:

  • desktop
  • mobile

To enable the form factors, call Platform.init with the following options:

import 'package:platform_builder/platform_builder.dart';

final navigatorKey = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();

  /// The breakpoint at which the width of the application should be considered
  /// the desktop form factor.
  desktopBreakpoint: 760,
  /// A global navigator key used to access the current screen size.
  navigatorKey: navigatorKey,

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  build(context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Home(),
      /// Pass the same `navigatorKey` to the root of your app.
      navigatorKey: navigatorKey,

You can then make form factor checks throughout your application:

import 'package:platform_builder/platform_builder.dart';

if (Platform.instance.isDesktop) {
} else if (Platform.instance.isMobile) {

The PlatformBuilder supports specifying separate platform implementations by form factor:

import 'package:platform_builder/platform_builder.dart';

class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  build(context) {
    return PlatformBuilder(
      mobile: FormFactorDelegate(
        androidBuilder: (context) {...},
        iOSBuilder: (context) {...},
      desktop: FormFactorDelegate(
        builder: (context) {...},

If all you need is a different builder for each form factor, there is a FormFactorBuilder widget for building a separate mobile vs desktop implementation:

import 'package:platform_builder/platform_builder.dart';

class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  build(context) {
    return FormFactorBuilder(
      mobile: (context) {...},
      desktop: (context) {...}

Builder precedence

The precedence of builders is based on specificity. More specific builders take precedence over broader ones as shown below:

import 'package:platform_builder/platform_builder.dart';

class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  build(context) {
    return PlatformBuilder(
      builder: (context) {...},
      webBuilder: (context) {...},
      mobile: FormFactorDelegate(
        webBuilder: (context) {...},

In this example on a web platform, all three builders are applicable, but the precedence would be:

  • mobile->webBuilder
  • webBuilder
  • builder


  • Q: Don't we already have a way to check the current Platform?

  • A Yes! But the Platform library from dart:io has some quirks like the fact that calling native platforms like Platform.instance.isIOS on web throws an exception. In this lib we add guards for that as well expanding the platform helpers to include other helpful platform utilities like the following:

  • Q: Why a PlatformBuilder? Can't we just use if/else clauses in our build functions?

  • A: You definitely can! Here are some things we think a builder widget can help with:

    • It organizes branching your build functions by platform in a consistent way
    • It throws a runtime error if you forget to add a builder for one of your specified supported platforms so that you can catch that mistake in development
    • It abstracts having to repeat yourself with frequent platform checks throughout your application.

Tell us what you need

Something missing? Let us know what additional platform utilities would be helpful for your workflow.