PcoPeopleSchoolOption constructor

  1. String? id,
  2. String? value,
  3. int? sequence,
  4. String? beginningGrade,
  5. String? endingGrade,
  6. List? schoolTypes,
  7. Map<String, List<PcoResource>>? withRelationships,
  8. List<PcoResource>? withIncluded,

Create a new PcoPeopleSchoolOption object using this endpoint: https://api.planningcenteronline.com/people/v2/school_options


  • Creating an instance of a class this way does not save it on the server.
  • Call save() on the object to save it to the server.
  • Only set the id field if you know what you are doing. Save operations will overwrite data when the id is set.
  • Dummy data can be supplied for a required parameter, but if so, .save() should not be called on the object
  • FIELDS USED WHEN CREATING: value, sequence, beginningGrade, endingGrade, schoolTypes
  • FIELDS USED WHEN UPDATING: value, sequence, beginningGrade, endingGrade, schoolTypes


factory PcoPeopleSchoolOption(
    {String? id,
    String? value,
    int? sequence,
    String? beginningGrade,
    String? endingGrade,
    List? schoolTypes,
    Map<String, List<PcoResource>>? withRelationships,
    List<PcoResource>? withIncluded}) {
  var obj = PcoPeopleSchoolOption.empty();
  obj._id = id;
  obj._apiPathOverride =
  if (value != null) obj._attributes['value'] = value;
  if (sequence != null) obj._attributes['sequence'] = sequence;
  if (beginningGrade != null)
    obj._attributes['beginning_grade'] = beginningGrade;
  if (endingGrade != null) obj._attributes['ending_grade'] = endingGrade;
  if (schoolTypes != null) obj._attributes['school_types'] = schoolTypes;

  if (withRelationships != null) {
    for (var r in withRelationships.entries) {
      obj._relationships[r.key] = r.value;
    obj._hasManualRelationships = true;

  if (withIncluded != null) {
    obj._hasManualIncluded = true;

  return obj;