status property

String? status

The value of the status key indicates the point at which the user exited the Link flow. Can be one of the following values:

  • requiresQuestions: User prompted to answer security question(s)
  • requiresSelections: User prompted to answer multiple choice question(s)
  • requiresCode: User prompted to provide a one-time passcode
  • chooseDevice: User prompted to select a device on which to receive a one-time passcode
  • requiresCredentials: User prompted to provide credentials for the selected financial institution or has not yet selected a financial institution
  • requiresAccountSelection: User prompted to select one or more financial accounts to share.
  • institutionNotFound: User exited the Link flow after unsuccessfully (no results returned) searching for a financial institution
  • unknown: The exit status has not been defined in the current version of the SDK. The unknown case has an associated value carrying the original exit status as sent by the Plaid API.


final String? status;