enumChoiceValueParser<T> function

ValueParser<T> enumChoiceValueParser<T>(
  1. List<T> values, {
  2. ValuePrinter<String>? interceptPrinter,

A specialization of stringChoiceValueParser that uses enumValuePrinter by default in order to parse enums.

If interceptPrinter is not null, then it will be called on the result of enumValuePrinter to modify it.

enum X { a, b, c }

var xParser = enumChoiceValueParser(X.values);
print(xParser('a'));  // X.a
xParser('foo');       // throws an exception


ValueParser<T> enumChoiceValueParser<T>(List<T> values,
        {ValuePrinter<String>? interceptPrinter}) =>
    stringChoiceValueParser(values, printer: (value) {
      var result = enumValuePrinter(value);
      if (interceptPrinter != null) {
        result = interceptPrinter(result);
      return result;