Buy Me A Coffee


The PlGrid is a grid view for showing data in a table with a sticky header and pagination components.

Nice example of the customization possibilities

The code for the above result

Getting Started

To add the grid on your project, install it by adding the pl_grid package dependency to your pubspec.yaml file, then import the PlGrid class like so:

import 'package:pl_grid/pl_grid.dart';

Add the widget like in the example down below:

    headerColumns: ['Id', 'Name', 'Age'],
    data: [
        [1, 'Bruno', 34],
        [2, 'Lindsey', 39],
        [3, 'Roberto', 18],
        [4, 'Yasmin', 22]
    columnWidthsPercentages: [15, 70, 15],
    curPage: 1,
    maxPages: 4,
    width: 300,
    height: 200,

and it will produce the following:

One can also use other parameters for example paginationItemClick that is a function that receives the index of the page touched/clicked to execute any routine such as call api with next page results

The property asCard is set as default to true, but could be set to false, producing the following:

A complex example to show the many features that can be achieved with this package

      backgroundColor: Colors.black38,
      body: Padding(
        padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 80, left: 80),
        child: Container(
          child: PlGrid(
            internalGrid: true,
            width: 480,
            height: 400,
            asCard: true,
            invertZebra: true,
            searchBarHeight: 30,
            showSearchBar: true,
            paginationItemClick: (pageClicked) {
              print('Call the api with page attribute');
            noContentWidget: Center(
              child: Container(
                width: 30,
                height: 30,
                child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
            onSearch: (searchTextTyped) {
            headerCellRenderer: (cell, content) => cell == 2
                ? FlatButton(
                    onPressed: () {},
                    child: Row(
                      mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly,
                      children: <Widget>[
                : null,
            headerAlignmentByCells: (i) =>
                i % 2 == 0 ? Alignment.topRight : Alignment.bottomRight,
            asCardPadding: PlGrid.baseAsCardPadding.copyWith(left: 35),
            headerCellsColor: (i) => Colors.blueGrey[50],
            heightByRow: (row) => row == 2 ? 40 : null,
            rowsCellRenderer: (row, cell, content) => row == 2 && cell == 2
                ? Icon(
                    color: Colors.redAccent,
                : null,
            zebraStyle: PlGrid.baseZebraStyle.copyWith(color: Colors.blueGrey),
            rowCellsPadding: PlGrid.baseRowCellsPadding.copyWith(right: 10),
            alignmentByRow: (row, cell) => row == 2 && cell == 2
                ? Alignment(-0.85, -1)
                : Alignment.bottomRight,
            headerStyle: PlGrid.baseHeaderStyle.copyWith(fontSize: 13),
            columnWidthsPercentages: <double>[25, 25, 25, 25],
            headerColumns: ['Id', 'Name', 'Age', 'aa'],
            maxPages: 3,
            curPage: 1,
            data: [
              [1, 'Person A', 9, 'abc'],
              [2, 'Person B', 18, 'abc'],
              [3, 'Person C', 75, 'abc'],
              [4, 'Person D', 31, 'abc'],
              [5, 'Person E', 26, 'abc'],
              [6, 'Person F', 52, 'abc'],
              [7, 'Person G', 13, 'abc'],
              [8, 'Person H', 24, 'abc'],


This is a widget component that aims to display a data grid with pagination and other features such as built in search bar, sort, group, filter, etc in simple widget like so: