Transformation class




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

afRemove() TransformationData
Artifact Removal Plugin
awsrekDetectlabels({int? maximumLabels = 5, int? minimumConfidence = 55}) TransformationData
Detect objects and text in images
awsrekModeration({int? minimumConfidence = 55}) TransformationData
Detect objects and text in images
cosDetect({int? objectThresholdPercent = 50}) TransformationData
Calculates the percentage of the main object area relative to image dimensions.
cpvDetect() TransformationData
Classifies whether the product in the image is completely visible or not
dbtDetect() TransformationData
Classifies the background of a product as plain, clean or busy
eraseBg({EraseIndustryType? industryType = EraseIndustryType.general, bool? addShadow = false, bool? refine = true}) TransformationData
EraseBG Background Removal Module
generateBg({String? backgroundPrompt = "YSBmb3Jlc3QgZnVsbCBvZiBvYWsgdHJlZXMsd2l0aCBicmlnaHQgbGlnaHRzLCBzdW4gYW5kIGEgbG90IG9mIG1hZ2ljLCB1bHRyYSByZWFsaXN0aWMsIDhr", GenerateFocus? focus = GenerateFocus.product, String? negativePrompt = "", int? seed = 123}) TransformationData
AI Background Generator
googlevisDetectlabels({int? maximumLabels = 5}) TransformationData
Detect content and text in images
icCrop({int? requiredWidth = 0, int? requiredHeight = 0, int? paddingPercentage = 0, bool? maintainOriginalAspect = false, String? aspectRatio = "", IcGravitytowards? gravityTowards = IcGravitytowards.none, IcPreferreddirection? preferredDirection =, IcObjectType? objectType = IcObjectType.person}) TransformationData
Intelligent Crop Plugin
imcDetect({int? distancePercentage = 10}) TransformationData
Image Centering Module
nsfwDetect({double? minimumConfidence = 0.5}) TransformationData
Detect NSFW content in images
numplateDetect() TransformationData
Number Plate Detection Plugin
ocDetect() TransformationData
Classifies whether objects in the image are single or multiple
ocrExtract({bool? detectOnly = false}) TransformationData
OCR Module
odDetect() TransformationData
Detect bounding boxes of objects in the image
prTag() TransformationData
AI Product Tagging
pwrRemove() TransformationData
PDF Watermark Removal Plugin
qrGenerate({int? width = 300, int? height = 300, String? image = "", int? margin = 0, int? qRTypeNumber = 0, QrQrerrorcorrectionlevel? qrErrorCorrectionLevel = QrQrerrorcorrectionlevel.q, double? imageSize = 0.4, int? imageMargin = 0, String? dotsColor = "000000", QrDotsType? dotsType = QrDotsType.square, String? dotsBgColor = "ffffff", String? cornerSquareColor = "000000", QrCornersquareType? cornerSquareType = QrCornersquareType.square, String? cornerDotsColor = "000000", QrCornerdotsType? cornerDotsType =}) TransformationData
QRCode Plugin
qrScan() TransformationData
QRCode Plugin
removeBg() TransformationData
Remove background from any image
shadowGen({String? backgroundImage = "", String? backgroundColor = "ffffff", double? shadowAngle = 120, double? shadowIntensity = 0.5}) TransformationData
AI Soft Shadow Generator
srUpscale({SrType? type = SrType.p2X, bool? enhanceFace = false, SrModel? model = SrModel.picasso, bool? enhanceQuality = false}) TransformationData
Super Resolution Module
tBlur({double? sigma = 0.3, double? dpr = 1}) TransformationData
Basic Transformations
tCompress({int? quality = 80}) TransformationData
Basic Transformations
tDensity({int? density = 300}) TransformationData
Basic Transformations
tExtend({int? top = 10, int? left = 10, int? bottom = 10, int? right = 10, String? background = "000000", TBorderType? borderType = TBorderType.constant, double? dpr = 1}) TransformationData
Basic Transformations
tExtract({int? top = 10, int? left = 10, int? height = 50, int? width = 20, String? boundingBox}) TransformationData
Basic Transformations
tFlatten({String? background = "000000"}) TransformationData
Basic Transformations
tFlip() TransformationData
Basic Transformations
tFlop() TransformationData
Basic Transformations
tGrey() TransformationData
Basic Transformations
tLinear({int? a = 1, int? b = 0}) TransformationData
Basic Transformations
tMedian({int? size = 3}) TransformationData
Basic Transformations
tMerge({TMode? mode = TMode.overlay, String? image = "", String? transformation = "", String? background = "00000000", int? height = 0, int? width = 0, int? top = 0, int? left = 0, TGravity? gravity =, TBlend? blend = TBlend.over, bool? tile = false, String? listOfBboxes = "", String? listOfPolygons = ""}) TransformationData
Basic Transformations
tModulate({double? brightness = 1, double? saturation = 1, int? hue = 90}) TransformationData
Basic Transformations
tNegate() TransformationData
Basic Transformations
tNormalise() TransformationData
Basic Transformations
tResize({int? height = 0, int? width = 0, TFit? fit = TFit.cover, String? background = "000000", TPosition? position =, TAlgorithm? algorithm = TAlgorithm.lanczos3, double? dpr = 1}) TransformationData
Basic Transformations
tRotate({int? angle = 0, String? background = "000000"}) TransformationData
Basic Transformations
tSharpen({double? sigma = 1.5}) TransformationData
Basic Transformations
tTint({String? color = "000000"}) TransformationData
Basic Transformations
tToformat({TFormat? format = TFormat.jpeg, int? quality = 75}) TransformationData
Basic Transformations
tTrim({int? threshold = 10}) TransformationData
Basic Transformations
vdDetect() TransformationData
Classifies wear type and view type of products in the image
vertexaiGeneratebg({String? backgroundPrompt = "YSBmb3Jlc3QgZnVsbCBvZiBvYWsgdHJlZXMsd2l0aCBicmlnaHQgbGlnaHRzLCBzdW4gYW5kIGEgbG90IG9mIG1hZ2ljLCB1bHRyYSByZWFsaXN0aWMsIDhr", String? negativePrompt = "", int? seed = 22, int? guidanceScale = 60}) TransformationData
Vertex AI based transformations
vertexaiRemovebg() TransformationData
Vertex AI based transformations
vertexaiUpscale({VertexaiType? type = VertexaiType.x2}) TransformationData
Vertex AI based transformations
vgGenerate({String? generateVariationPrompt = "", int? noOfVariations = 1, int? seed = 0, bool? autoscale = true}) TransformationData
AI Variation Generator
wmcDetect({bool? detectText = false}) TransformationData
Watermark Detection Plugin
wmRemove({bool? removeText = false, String? box1 = "0_0_100_100", String? box2 = "0_0_0_0", String? box3 = "0_0_0_0", String? box4 = "0_0_0_0", String? box5 = "0_0_0_0"}) TransformationData
Watermark Removal Plugin
wmvRemove() TransformationData
Video Watermark Removal Plugin