merge static method

TransformationData merge({
  1. Mode? mode = Mode.overlay,
  2. String? image = "",
  3. String? transformation = "",
  4. String? background = "00000000",
  5. int? height = 0,
  6. int? width = 0,
  7. int? top = 0,
  8. int? left = 0,
  9. Gravity? gravity =,
  10. Blend? blend = Blend.over,
  11. bool? tile = false,
  12. String? listofbboxes = "",
  13. String? listofpolygons = "",

Basic Transformations

  • mode : mode (Default: overlay)

  • image : image (Default: )

  • transformation : transformation (Default: )

  • background : background (Default: "00000000")

  • height : height (Default: 0)

  • width : width (Default: 0)

  • top : top (Default: 0)

  • left : left (Default: 0)

  • gravity : gravity (Default: center)

  • blend : blend (Default: over)

  • tile : tile (Default: false)

  • listofbboxes : List of bboxes (Default: )

  • listofpolygons : List of Polygons (Default: )

Returns TransformationData.


static TransformationData merge(
    {Mode? mode = Mode.overlay,
    String? image = "",
    String? transformation = "",
    String? background = "00000000",
    int? height = 0,
    int? width = 0,
    int? top = 0,
    int? left = 0,
    Gravity? gravity =,
    Blend? blend = Blend.over,
    bool? tile = false,
    String? listofbboxes = "",
    String? listofpolygons = ""}) {
  // Call the generated class method
  return Merge().merge(mode, image, transformation, background, height, width,
      top, left, gravity, blend, tile, listofbboxes, listofpolygons);