watermarkremoval static method

TransformationData watermarkremoval({
  1. bool? removetext = false,
  2. String? box1 = "0_0_100_100",
  3. String? box2 = "0_0_0_0",
  4. String? box3 = "0_0_0_0",
  5. String? box4 = "0_0_0_0",
  6. String? box5 = "0_0_0_0",

Watermark Removal Plugin

@param removetext Remove text (Default: false)

@param removelogo Remove logo (Default: false)

@param box1 Box 1 (Default: 0_0_100_100)

@param box2 Box 2 (Default: 0_0_0_0)

@param box3 Box 3 (Default: 0_0_0_0)

@param box4 Box 4 (Default: 0_0_0_0)

@param box5 Box 5 (Default: 0_0_0_0)

@return The generated TransformationData.


static TransformationData watermarkremoval(
    {bool? removetext = false,
    bool? removelogo = false,
    String? box1 = "0_0_100_100",
    String? box2 = "0_0_0_0",
    String? box3 = "0_0_0_0",
    String? box4 = "0_0_0_0",
    String? box5 = "0_0_0_0"}) {
  // Call the generated class method
  return WatermarkRemoval()
      .remove(removetext, removelogo, box1, box2, box3, box4, box5);