resize static method

TransformationData resize({
  1. int? height = 0,
  2. int? width = 0,
  3. Fit? fit = Fit.cover,
  4. String? background = "000000",
  5. Position? position =,
  6. Algorithm? algorithm = Algorithm.lanczos3,
  7. double? dpr = 1,

Basic Transformations

@param height Height (Default: 0)

@param width Width (Default: 0)

@param fit Fit (Default: cover)

@param background Background (Default: 000000)

@param position Position (Default: center)

@param algorithm Algorithm (Default: lanczos3)

@param dpr Dpr (Default: 1)

@return The generated TransformationData.


static TransformationData resize(
    {int? height = 0,
    int? width = 0,
    Fit? fit = Fit.cover,
    String? background = "000000",
    Position? position =,
    Algorithm? algorithm = Algorithm.lanczos3,
    double? dpr = 1}) {
  // Call the generated class method
  return Resize()
      .resize(height, width, fit, background, position, algorithm, dpr);