Pixel class
Identifiers for the icons.
Use with the Icon class to show specific icons.
Icons are identified by their name as listed below.
To use this class, make sure you declare the font in your
project's pubspec.yaml
file in the fonts
section. This ensures that
the "Pixel Art Icons" font is included in your application. This font is used to
display the icons. For example:
- family: Pixel Art Icons
- asset: fonts/pixelarticons.otf
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.
- abtesting → const IconData
- ab-testing
- ac → const IconData
- ac
- addbox → const IconData
- add-box
- addboxmultiple → const IconData
- add-box-multiple
- addcol → const IconData
- add-col
- addgrid → const IconData
- add-grid
- addrow → const IconData
- add-row
- alert → const IconData
- alert
- aligncenter → const IconData
- align-center
- alignjustify → const IconData
- align-justify
- alignleft → const IconData
- align-left
- alignright → const IconData
- align-right
- analytics → const IconData
- analytics
- anchor → const IconData
- anchor
- android → const IconData
- android
- animation → const IconData
- animation
- archive → const IconData
- archive
- arrowbardown → const IconData
- arrow-bar-down
- arrowbarleft → const IconData
- arrow-bar-left
- arrowbarright → const IconData
- arrow-bar-right
- arrowbarup → const IconData
- arrow-bar-up
- arrowdown → const IconData
- arrow-down
- arrowdownbox → const IconData
- arrow-down-box
- arrowleft → const IconData
- arrow-left
- arrowleftbox → const IconData
- arrow-left-box
- arrowright → const IconData
- arrow-right
- arrowrightbox → const IconData
- arrow-right-box
- arrowshorizontal → const IconData
- arrows-horizontal
- arrowsvertical → const IconData
- arrows-vertical
- arrowup → const IconData
- arrow-up
- arrowupbox → const IconData
- arrow-up-box
- article → const IconData
- article
- articlemultiple → const IconData
- article-multiple
- arttext → const IconData
- art-text
- aspectratio → const IconData
- aspect-ratio
- at → const IconData
- at
- attachment → const IconData
- attachment
- audiodevice → const IconData
- audio-device
- avatar → const IconData
- avatar
- backburger → const IconData
- backburger
- battery → const IconData
- battery
- battery1 → const IconData
- battery-1
- battery2 → const IconData
- battery-2
- batterycharging → const IconData
- battery-charging
- batteryfull → const IconData
- battery-full
- bed → const IconData
- bed
- bitcoin → const IconData
- bitcoin
- bluetooth → const IconData
- bluetooth
- book → const IconData
- book
- bookmark → const IconData
- bookmark
- bookmarks → const IconData
- bookmarks
- bookopen → const IconData
- book-open
- briefcase → const IconData
- briefcase
- briefcaseaccount → const IconData
- briefcase-account
- briefcasecheck → const IconData
- briefcase-check
- briefcasedelete → const IconData
- briefcase-delete
- briefcasedownload → const IconData
- briefcase-download
- briefcaseminus → const IconData
- briefcase-minus
- briefcaseplus → const IconData
- briefcase-plus
- briefcasesearch → const IconData
- briefcase-search
- briefcasesearch1 → const IconData
- briefcase-search-1
- briefcaseupload → const IconData
- briefcase-upload
- bug → const IconData
- bug
- building → const IconData
- building
- buildingcommunity → const IconData
- building-community
- buildings → const IconData
- buildings
- buildingskyscraper → const IconData
- building-skyscraper
- bulletlist → const IconData
- bulletlist
- bullseye → const IconData
- bullseye
- bullseyearrow → const IconData
- bullseye-arrow
- bus → const IconData
- bus
- cake → const IconData
- cake
- calculator → const IconData
- calculator
- calendar → const IconData
- calendar
- calendaralert → const IconData
- calendar-alert
- calendararrowleft → const IconData
- calendar-arrow-left
- calendararrowright → const IconData
- calendar-arrow-right
- calendarcheck → const IconData
- calendar-check
- calendarexport → const IconData
- calendar-export
- calendargrid → const IconData
- calendar-grid
- calendarimport → const IconData
- calendar-import
- calendarminus → const IconData
- calendar-minus
- calendarmonth → const IconData
- calendar-month
- calendarmultiple → const IconData
- calendar-multiple
- calendarmultiplecheck → const IconData
- calendar-multiple-check
- calendarplus → const IconData
- calendar-plus
- calendarrange → const IconData
- calendar-range
- calendarremove → const IconData
- calendar-remove
- calendarsearch → const IconData
- calendar-search
- calendarsortascending → const IconData
- calendar-sort-ascending
- calendarsortdescending → const IconData
- calendar-sort-descending
- calendartext → const IconData
- calendar-text
- calendartoday → const IconData
- calendar-today
- calendartomorrow → const IconData
- calendar-tomorrow
- calendarweek → const IconData
- calendar-week
- calendarweekbegin → const IconData
- calendar-week-begin
- calendarweekend → const IconData
- calendar-weekend
- camera → const IconData
- camera
- cameraadd → const IconData
- camera-add
- cameraalt → const IconData
- camera-alt
- cameraface → const IconData
- camera-face
- car → const IconData
- car
- card → const IconData
- card
- cardid → const IconData
- card-id
- cardplus → const IconData
- card-plus
- cardstack → const IconData
- card-stack
- cardtext → const IconData
- card-text
- cart → const IconData
- cart
- cast → const IconData
- cast
- cellularsignal0 → const IconData
- cellular-signal-0
- cellularsignal1 → const IconData
- cellular-signal-1
- cellularsignal2 → const IconData
- cellular-signal-2
- cellularsignal3 → const IconData
- cellular-signal-3
- cellularsignaloff → const IconData
- cellular-signal-off
- chart → const IconData
- chart
- chartadd → const IconData
- chart-add
- chartbar → const IconData
- chart-bar
- chartdelete → const IconData
- chart-delete
- chartminus → const IconData
- chart-minus
- chartmultiple → const IconData
- chart-multiple
- chat → const IconData
- chat
- check → const IconData
- check
- checkbox → const IconData
- checkbox
- checkboxon → const IconData
- checkbox-on
- checkdouble → const IconData
- check-double
- checklist → const IconData
- checklist
- chess → const IconData
- chess
- chevrondown → const IconData
- chevron-down
- chevronleft → const IconData
- chevron-left
- chevronright → const IconData
- chevron-right
- chevronshorizontal → const IconData
- chevrons-horizontal
- chevronsvertical → const IconData
- chevrons-vertical
- chevronup → const IconData
- chevron-up
- circle → const IconData
- circle
- clipboard → const IconData
- clipboard
- clock → const IconData
- clock
- close → const IconData
- close
- closebox → const IconData
- close-box
- cloud → const IconData
- cloud
- clouddone → const IconData
- cloud-done
- clouddownload → const IconData
- cloud-download
- cloudmoon → const IconData
- cloud-moon
- cloudsun → const IconData
- cloud-sun
- cloudupload → const IconData
- cloud-upload
- cocktail → const IconData
- cocktail
- code → const IconData
- code
- coffee → const IconData
- coffee
- coffeealt → const IconData
- coffee-alt
- coin → const IconData
- coin
- collapse → const IconData
- collapse
- colorsswatch → const IconData
- colors-swatch
- command → const IconData
- command
- comment → const IconData
- comment
- contact → const IconData
- contact
- contactdelete → const IconData
- contact-delete
- contactmultiple → const IconData
- contact-multiple
- contactplus → const IconData
- contact-plus
- copy → const IconData
- copy
- cornerdownleft → const IconData
- corner-down-left
- cornerdownright → const IconData
- corner-down-right
- cornerleftdown → const IconData
- corner-left-down
- cornerleftup → const IconData
- corner-left-up
- cornerrightdown → const IconData
- corner-right-down
- cornerrightup → const IconData
- corner-right-up
- cornerupleft → const IconData
- corner-up-left
- cornerupright → const IconData
- corner-up-right
- creditcard → const IconData
- credit-card
- creditcarddelete → const IconData
- credit-card-delete
- creditcardminus → const IconData
- credit-card-minus
- creditcardmultiple → const IconData
- credit-card-multiple
- creditcardplus → const IconData
- credit-card-plus
- creditcardsettings → const IconData
- credit-card-settings
- creditcardwireless → const IconData
- credit-card-wireless
- crop → const IconData
- crop
- cut → const IconData
- cut
- dashbaord → const IconData
- dashbaord
- debug → const IconData
- debug
- debugcheck → const IconData
- debug-check
- debugoff → const IconData
- debug-off
- debugpause → const IconData
- debug-pause
- debugplay → const IconData
- debug-play
- debugstop → const IconData
- debug-stop
- delete → const IconData
- delete
- deskphone → const IconData
- deskphone
- devicelaptop → const IconData
- device-laptop
- devicephone → const IconData
- device-phone
- devices → const IconData
- devices
- devicetablet → const IconData
- device-tablet
- devicetv → const IconData
- device-tv
- devicetvsmart → const IconData
- device-tv-smart
- devicevibrate → const IconData
- device-vibrate
- devicewatch → const IconData
- device-watch
- dice → const IconData
- dice
- dollar → const IconData
- dollar
- downasaur → const IconData
- downasaur
- download → const IconData
- download
- draft → const IconData
- draft
- draganddrop → const IconData
- drag-and-drop
- drop → const IconData
- drop
- droparea → const IconData
- drop-area
- dropfull → const IconData
- drop-full
- drophalf → const IconData
- drop-half
- duplicate → const IconData
- duplicate
- duplicatealt → const IconData
- duplicate-alt
- edit → const IconData
- edit
- editbox → const IconData
- edit-box
- euro → const IconData
- euro
- expand → const IconData
- expand
- externallink → const IconData
- external-link
- eye → const IconData
- eye
- eyeclosed → const IconData
- eye-closed
- file → const IconData
- file
- filealt → const IconData
- file-alt
- filedelete → const IconData
- file-delete
- fileflash → const IconData
- file-flash
- fileminus → const IconData
- file-minus
- filemultiple → const IconData
- file-multiple
- fileoff → const IconData
- file-off
- fileplus → const IconData
- file-plus
- fill → const IconData
- fill
- fillhalf → const IconData
- fill-half
- flag → const IconData
- flag
- flatten → const IconData
- flatten
- fliptoback → const IconData
- flip-to-back
- fliptofront → const IconData
- flip-to-front
- floatcenter → const IconData
- float-center
- floatleft → const IconData
- float-left
- floatright → const IconData
- float-right
- folder → const IconData
- folder
- folderminus → const IconData
- folder-minus
- folderplus → const IconData
- folder-plus
- folderx → const IconData
- folder-x
- forward → const IconData
- forward
- forwardburger → const IconData
- forwardburger
- frame → const IconData
- frame
- frameadd → const IconData
- frame-add
- framecheck → const IconData
- frame-check
- framedelete → const IconData
- frame-delete
- frameminus → const IconData
- frame-minus
- gamepad → const IconData
- gamepad
- gif → const IconData
- gif
- gift → const IconData
- gift
- gitbranch → const IconData
- git-branch
- gitcommit → const IconData
- git-commit
- gitmerge → const IconData
- git-merge
- gitpullrequest → const IconData
- git-pull-request
- gps → const IconData
- gps
- grid → const IconData
- grid
- group → const IconData
- group
- hd → const IconData
- hd
- headphone → const IconData
- headphone
- headset → const IconData
- headset
- heart → const IconData
- heart
- hidden
- home → const IconData
- home
- hourglass → const IconData
- hourglass
- hq → const IconData
- hq
- human → const IconData
- human
- humanhandsdown → const IconData
- human-handsdown
- humanhandsup → const IconData
- human-handsup
- humanheight → const IconData
- human-height
- humanheightalt → const IconData
- human-height-alt
- humanrun → const IconData
- human-run
- iconFontFamily → const String
- iconFontPackage → const String
- image → const IconData
- image
- imagearrowright → const IconData
- image-arrow-right
- imagebroken → const IconData
- image-broken
- imagedelete → const IconData
- image-delete
- imageflash → const IconData
- image-flash
- imageframe → const IconData
- image-frame
- imagegallery → const IconData
- image-gallery
- imagemultiple → const IconData
- image-multiple
- imagenew → const IconData
- image-new
- imageplus → const IconData
- image-plus
- inbox → const IconData
- inbox
- inboxall → const IconData
- inbox-all
- inboxfull → const IconData
- inbox-full
- infobox → const IconData
- info-box
- invert → const IconData
- invert
- iso → const IconData
- iso
- k4g → const IconData
- k4g
- k4k → const IconData
- k4k
- k4kbox → const IconData
- k4k-box
- k5g → const IconData
- k5g
- kanban → const IconData
- kanban
- keyboard → const IconData
- keyboard
- kswitch → const IconData
- kswitch
- ksync → const IconData
- ksync
- label → const IconData
- label
- labelalt → const IconData
- label-alt
- labelaltmultiple → const IconData
- label-alt-multiple
- labelsharp → const IconData
- label-sharp
- layout → const IconData
- layout
- layoutalignbottom → const IconData
- layout-align-bottom
- layoutalignleft → const IconData
- layout-align-left
- layoutalignright → const IconData
- layout-align-right
- layoutaligntop → const IconData
- layout-align-top
- layoutcolumns → const IconData
- layout-columns
- layoutdistributehorizontal → const IconData
- layout-distribute-horizontal
- layoutdistributevertical → const IconData
- layout-distribute-vertical
- layout-footer
- layoutheader → const IconData
- layout-header
- layoutrows → const IconData
- layout-rows
- layout-sidebar-left
- layout-sidebar-right
- link → const IconData
- link
- list → const IconData
- list
- listbox → const IconData
- list-box
- loader → const IconData
- loader
- lock → const IconData
- lock
- lockopen → const IconData
- lock-open
- login → const IconData
- login
- logout → const IconData
- logout
- luggage → const IconData
- luggage
- mail → const IconData
- mailarrowright → const IconData
- mail-arrow-right
- mailcheck → const IconData
- mail-check
- maildelete → const IconData
- mail-delete
- mailflash → const IconData
- mail-flash
- mailmultiple → const IconData
- mail-multiple
- mailoff → const IconData
- mail-off
- mailunread → const IconData
- mail-unread
- map → const IconData
- map
- membercard → const IconData
- membercard
- menu
- message → const IconData
- message
- messagearrowleft → const IconData
- message-arrow-left
- messagearrowright → const IconData
- message-arrow-right
- messagebookmark → const IconData
- message-bookmark
- messageclock → const IconData
- message-clock
- messagedelete → const IconData
- message-delete
- messageflash → const IconData
- message-flash
- messageimage → const IconData
- message-image
- messageminus → const IconData
- message-minus
- messageplus → const IconData
- message-plus
- messageprocessing → const IconData
- message-processing
- messagereply → const IconData
- message-reply
- messagetext → const IconData
- message-text
- minus → const IconData
- minus
- missedcall → const IconData
- missed-call
- modem → const IconData
- modem
- money → const IconData
- money
- monitor → const IconData
- monitor
- moodhappy → const IconData
- mood-happy
- moodneutral → const IconData
- mood-neutral
- moodsad → const IconData
- mood-sad
- moon → const IconData
- moon
- moonstar → const IconData
- moon-star
- moonstars → const IconData
- moon-stars
- morehorizontal → const IconData
- more-horizontal
- morevertical → const IconData
- more-vertical
- mouse → const IconData
- mouse
- move → const IconData
- move
- movie → const IconData
- movie
- music → const IconData
- music
- next → const IconData
- next
- note → const IconData
- note
- notedelete → const IconData
- note-delete
- notemultiple → const IconData
- note-multiple
- noteplus → const IconData
- note-plus
- notes → const IconData
- notes
- notesdelete → const IconData
- notes-delete
- notesmultiple → const IconData
- notes-multiple
- notesplus → const IconData
- notes-plus
- notification → const IconData
- notification
- notificationoff → const IconData
- notification-off
- open → const IconData
- open
- paintbucket → const IconData
- paint-bucket
- paperclip → const IconData
- paperclip
- pause → const IconData
- pause
- percent → const IconData
- percent
- pictureinpicture → const IconData
- picture-in-picture
- pictureinpicturealt → const IconData
- picture-in-picture-alt
- pin → const IconData
- pin
- pixelarticons → const IconData
- pixelarticons
- play → const IconData
- play
- playlist → const IconData
- playlist
- plus → const IconData
- plus
- power → const IconData
- power
- prev → const IconData
- prev
- print → const IconData
- radiohandheld → const IconData
- radio-handheld
- radioon → const IconData
- radio-on
- radiosignal → const IconData
- radio-signal
- radiotower → const IconData
- radio-tower
- reciept → const IconData
- reciept
- recieptalt → const IconData
- reciept-alt
- redo → const IconData
- redo
- reload → const IconData
- reload
- removebox → const IconData
- remove-box
- removeboxmultiple → const IconData
- remove-box-multiple
- repeat → const IconData
- repeat
- reply → const IconData
- reply
- replyall → const IconData
- reply-all
- roundedcorner → const IconData
- rounded-corner
- save → const IconData
- save
- scale → const IconData
- scale
- script → const IconData
- script
- scripttext → const IconData
- script-text
- scrollhorizontal → const IconData
- scroll-horizontal
- scrollvertical → const IconData
- scroll-vertical
- sd → const IconData
- sd
- search → const IconData
- search
- section → const IconData
- section
- sectioncopy → const IconData
- section-copy
- sectionminus → const IconData
- section-minus
- sectionplus → const IconData
- section-plus
- sectionx → const IconData
- section-x
- server → const IconData
- server
- sharp-corner
- shield → const IconData
- shield
- shieldoff → const IconData
- shield-off
- ship → const IconData
- ship
- shoppingbag → const IconData
- shopping-bag
- shuffle → const IconData
- shuffle
- sliders → const IconData
- sliders
- sliders2 → const IconData
- sliders-2
- sort → const IconData
- sort
- sortalpabetic → const IconData
- sort-alpabetic
- sortnumeric → const IconData
- sort-numeric
- speaker → const IconData
- speaker
- speedfast → const IconData
- speed-fast
- speedmedium → const IconData
- speed-medium
- speedslow → const IconData
- speed-slow
- spotlight → const IconData
- spotlight
- store → const IconData
- store
- subscriptions → const IconData
- subscriptions
- subtitles → const IconData
- subtitles
- suitcase → const IconData
- suitcase
- sun → const IconData
- sun
- sunalt → const IconData
- sun-alt
- tab → const IconData
- tab
- table → const IconData
- table
- tea → const IconData
- tea
- teach → const IconData
- teach
- textadd → const IconData
- text-add
- textcolums → const IconData
- text-colums
- textsearch → const IconData
- text-search
- textwrap → const IconData
- text-wrap
- timeline → const IconData
- timeline
- toggleleft → const IconData
- toggle-left
- toggleright → const IconData
- toggle-right
- tournament → const IconData
- tournament
- trackchanges → const IconData
- track-changes
- trash → const IconData
- trash
- trashalt → const IconData
- trash-alt
- trending → const IconData
- trending
- trendingdown → const IconData
- trending-down
- trendingup → const IconData
- trending-up
- trophy → const IconData
- trophy
- truck → const IconData
- truck
- undo → const IconData
- undo
- ungroup → const IconData
- ungroup
- unlink → const IconData
- unlink
- upload → const IconData
- upload
- user → const IconData
- user
- userminus → const IconData
- user-minus
- userplus → const IconData
- user-plus
- users → const IconData
- users
- userx → const IconData
- user-x
- video → const IconData
- video
- videooff → const IconData
- video-off
- viewcol → const IconData
- view-col
- viewlist → const IconData
- view-list
- viewportnarrow → const IconData
- viewport-narrow
- viewportwide → const IconData
- viewport-wide
- visible → const IconData
- visible
- volume → const IconData
- volume
- volume1 → const IconData
- volume-1
- volume2 → const IconData
- volume-2
- volume3 → const IconData
- volume-3
- volumeminus → const IconData
- volume-minus
- volumeplus → const IconData
- volume-plus
- volumevibrate → const IconData
- volume-vibrate
- volumex → const IconData
- volume-x
- wallet → const IconData
- wallet
- warningbox → const IconData
- warning-box
- wind → const IconData
- wind
- zap → const IconData
- zap
- zoomin → const IconData
- zoom-in
- zoomout → const IconData
- zoom-out