requestMediaWithKeyword method

Future<PixabayResponse?> requestMediaWithKeyword({
  1. MediaType? media,
  2. String? keyword,
  3. int resultsPerPage = 30,
  4. int? page,
  5. String? category,

main request method for all kind of media types


Future<PixabayResponse?> requestMediaWithKeyword(
    {MediaType? media,
    String? keyword,
    int resultsPerPage = 30,
    int? page,
    String? category}) async {
  // Search for media associated with the keyword
  String url = "";
  PixabayResponse? res;

  if (media == url += "videos/";

  if (resultsPerPage < 3) // API restriction
    resultsPerPage = 3;

  url += "?key=" + apiKey;

  if (keyword != null) url += "&q=" + Uri.encodeFull(keyword);

  url +=
      "&lang=" + Uri.encodeFull(this.language) + "&per_page=$resultsPerPage";

  url += "&safesearch=${this.safeSearch}";

  if (category != null) url += "&category=$category";
  if (page != null) url += "&page=$page";

  if (media == {
    final jsonString = await getVideos(url);
    final data = jsonDecode(jsonString);

    if (data != null && data.length > 0) {
      List<PixabayVideo> videos =
          List<PixabayVideo>.generate(data['hits'].length, (index) {
        return PixabayVideo.fromJson(data['hits'][index]);

      res = PixabayResponse(
          body: jsonString,
          total: data["total"],
          totalHits: data["totalHits"],
          hits: videos);
  } else {
    print('url is: '+url);
    final jsonString = await getImages(url);
    final data = jsonDecode(jsonString);

    res = bodyToPixabayResponse(data, jsonString);
  return res;