getPitch method
Future<PitchDetectorResult> getPitch(final List<double> audioBuffer) {
final double pitchInHertz;
// step 2
// step 3
// step 4
final pitched = _absoluteThreshold();
// step 5
if (pitched.tau != -1) {
final double betterTau = _parabolicInterpolation(pitched.tau);
// step 6
// TODO Implement optimization for the AUBIO_YIN algorithm.
// 0.77% => 0.5% error rate,
// using the data of the YIN paper
// bestLocalEstimate()
// conversion to Hz
pitchInHertz = _sampleRate / betterTau;
} else {
// no pitch found
pitchInHertz = -1;
return Future.value(PitchDetectorResult(
pitch: pitchInHertz,
probability: pitched.probability,
pitched: pitched.pitched,