open method

  1. @override
Future open(
  1. String? correlationId

Opens the component.

  • correlationId (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain. Return Future that receives error or null no errors occured.


Future open(String? correlationId) async {
  if (_opened) {
    return null;

  if (connection == null) {
    connection = _createConnection();
    _localConnection = true;

  if (_localConnection == true) {
    await connection!.open(correlationId);

  if (connection == null) {
    throw InvalidStateException(
        correlationId, 'NO_CONNECTION', 'MongoDB connection is missing');

  if (!connection!.isOpen()) {
    throw ConnectionException(
        correlationId, 'CONNECT_FAILED', 'MongoDB connection is not opened');

  _opened = false;

  client = connection!.getConnection();
  databaseName = connection!.getDatabaseName();
  mongo.DbCollection coll;
  try {
    coll = client!.collection(collectionName!);
  } catch (err) {
    client = null;

    throw ConnectionException(
            correlationId, 'CONNECT_FAILED', 'Connection to mongodb failed')
  try {
    // Recreate indexes
    for (var index in _indexes) {
      //TODO: Need fix work with indexes!
      var keys = {};
      //  var keys = await client.createIndex(collectionName,
      //      keys: index.keys,
      //     unique: index.unique,
      //     sparse: index.sparse,
      //     background: index.background,
      //     dropDups: index.dropDups,
      //     partialFilterExpression: index.partialFilterExpression,
      //     name:
      // );

      var indexName = keys['name'] ?? index.keys.keys.join(',');
      logger.debug(correlationId, 'Created index %s for collection %s',
          [indexName, collectionName]);
  } catch (err) {
    client = null;
    throw ConnectionException(
            correlationId, 'CONNECT_FAILED', 'Connection to mongodb failed')
  _opened = true;
  collection = coll;
      'Connected to mongodb database %s, collection %s',
      [databaseName, collectionName]);