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Config components definitions for Dart

This module is a part of the Pip.Services polyglot microservices toolkit.

The Config module contains configuration component definitions that can be used to build applications and services.

The module contains the following packages:

  • Auth - authentication credential stores
  • Config - configuration readers and managers, whose main task is to deliver configuration parameters to the application from wherever they are being stored
  • Connect - connection discovery and configuration services

Quick links:


Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  pip_services4_config: version

Now you can install package from the command line:

pub get

Example how to get connection parameters and credentials using resolvers. The resolvers support "discovery_key" and "store_key" configuration parameters to retrieve configuration from discovery services and credential stores respectively.

import 'package:pip_services4_commons/src/config/ConfigParams.dart';
import 'package:pip_services4_commons/src/config/IConfigurable.dart';
import 'package:pip_services4_commons/src/refer/IReferences.dart';
import 'package:pip_services4_commons/src/refer/IReferenceable.dart';
import 'package:pip_services4_commons/src/run/IOpenable.dart';
import 'package:pip_services4_config/src/connect/ConnectionParams.dart';
import 'package:pip_services4_config/src/connect/ConnectionResolver.dart';
import 'package:pip_services4_config/src/auth/CredentialParams.dart';
import 'package:pip_services4_config/src/auth/CredentialResolver.dart';

class MyComponent implements IConfigurable, IReferenceable, IOpenable {
  final _connectionResolver = ConnectionResolver();
  final _credentialResolver = CredentialResolver();
  bool _opened = false;

  void configure(ConfigParams config) {

  void setReferences(IReferences refs) {

  // ...
  Future open(IContext? context) async {
    ConnectionParams? connection =
        await _connectionResolver.resolve(context);

    CredentialParams? credential =
        await _credentialResolver.lookup(context);

    if (connection != null && credential != null) {
      String? host = connection.getHost();
      int? port = connection.getPort();
      String? user = credential.getUsername();
      String? pass = credential.getPassword();
      // ...
      _opened = true;

// Using the component
var myComponent = new MyComponent();

  'connection.host', 'localhost',
  'connection.port', 1234,
  'credential.username', 'anonymous',
  'credential.password', 'pass123'

await myComponent.open(null);


For development you shall install the following prerequisites:

  • Dart SDK 3
  • Visual Studio Code or another IDE of your choice
  • Docker

Install dependencies:

pub get

Run automated tests:

pub run test

Generate API documentation:


Before committing changes run dockerized build and test as:



The library is created and maintained by Sergey Seroukhov and Levichev Dmitry.

The documentation is written by Egor Nuzhnykh, Alexey Dvoykin, Mark Makarychev, Levichev Dmitry.