createSchema_ method

Future<void> createSchema_(
  1. String? correlationId


Future<void> createSchema_(String? correlationId) async {
  if (this._schemaStatements == null || this._schemaStatements.length == 0) {
    return null;

  // Check if table exist to determine weither to auto create objects
  // Todo: Add support for schema
  var query = "SELECT to_regclass('" + this.tableName_! + "')";
  var res = await client_!.query(query);
  var exist = res.first.isNotEmpty && res.first[0] != null ? true : false;

  // If table already exists then exit
  if (exist) return;

      'Table ' +
          this.tableName_.toString() +
          ' does not exist. Creating database objects...');

  // Run all DML commands
  for (var dml in this._schemaStatements) {
    try {
      await client_!.query(dml);
    } catch (ex) {
      logger_.error(correlationId, ex as Exception,
          'Failed to autocreate database object');
      throw ex;