store method

  1. @override
Future store(
  1. String? correlationId,
  2. String? key,
  3. dynamic value,
  4. int? timeout,

Stores value in the cache with expiration time.

  • correlationId (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
  • key a unique value key.
  • value a value to store.
  • timeout expiration timeout in milliseconds. Return Future that receives an null for success Throws error


Future<dynamic> store(
    String? correlationId, String? key, value, int? timeout) async {
  if (key == null) {
    var err = Exception('Key cannot be null');
    throw err;

  // Get the entry
  CacheEntry? entry = _cache[key]; //.cast<CacheEntry>();
  // Shortcut to remove entry from the cache
  if (value == null) {
    if (entry != null) {
    return value;

  timeout = timeout != null && timeout > 0 ? timeout : _timeout;

  // Update the entry
  if (entry != null) {
    entry.setValue(value, timeout);
  // Or create a new entry
  else {
    entry = CacheEntry(key, value, timeout);
    _cache[key] = entry;

  // Clean up the cache
  if (_maxSize > 0 && _count > _maxSize) _cleanup();

  return value;