text static method

String text(
  1. int minLength, [
  2. int? maxLength

Generates a random text, consisting of first names, last names, colors, stuffs, adjectives, verbs, and punctuation marks.

  • minLength minimum amount of words to generate. Text will contain 'minSize' words if 'maxSize' is omitted.
  • maxLength (optional) maximum amount of words to generate. Returns a random text.


/// - [minLength]   minimum amount of words to generate. Text will contain 'minSize' words if 'maxSize' is omitted.
/// - [maxLength]   (optional) maximum amount of words to generate.
/// Returns         a random text.

static String text(int minLength, [int? maxLength]) {
  maxLength = max(minLength, maxLength ?? minLength);
  var size = RandomInteger.nextInteger(minLength, maxLength);

  var result = '';
  result += RandomString.pick(RandomText._allWords);

  while (result.length < size) {
    var next = RandomString.pick(RandomText._allWords);
    if (RandomBoolean.chance(4, 6)) {
      next = ' ' + next.toLowerCase();
    } else if (RandomBoolean.chance(2, 5)) {
      next = RandomString.pickChar(':,-') + next.toLowerCase();
    } else if (RandomBoolean.chance(3, 5)) {
      next = RandomString.pickChar(':,-') + ' ' + next.toLowerCase();
    } else {
      next = RandomString.pickChar('.!?') + ' ' + next;

    result += next;

  return result;