open method

  1. @override
Future open(
  1. String? correlationId

Opens the component.

  • correlationId (optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain. Return Future that receives null no errors occured. Throws error


Future open(String? correlationId) async {
  if (isOpen()) {

  var connection = await connectionResolver.resolve(correlationId);

  try {
    uri = connection?.getAsString('uri');
    client = http.Client();
    // this.client = restify.createJsonClient({
    //     url: this.uri,
    //     connectTimeout: this.connectTimeout,
    //     requestTimeout: this.timeout,
    //     headers: this.headers,
    //     retry: {
    //         minTimeout: this.timeout,
    //         maxTimeout: Infinity,
    //         retries: this.retries
    //     },
    //     version: '*'
    // });
    logger.debug(correlationId, 'Connected via REST to %s', [uri]);
  } catch (err) {
    client = null;
    throw ConnectionException(correlationId, 'CANNOT_CONNECT',
            'Connection to REST service failed')
        .withDetails('url', uri);