visitInvocationExpression method
Future<Element>? visitInvocationExpression(InvocationExpression node) async {
final identifier = await node.identifierExpression.accept(this) as IdentifierElement;
final argument = await node.argument.accept(this) as ExpressionElement;
final invocationElement = InvocationElement(
identifier: identifier,
argument: argument,
// TODO(mateusfccp): It will be potentially constant when we have macros
constant: false,
identifier.enclosingElement = invocationElement;
argument.enclosingElement = invocationElement;
if (identifier.type case final FunctionType functionType) {
invocationElement.type = functionType.returnType;
// Check if the argument type matches the parameter type
return invocationElement;
} else {
throw NotAFunctionError(
syntacticEntity: node.identifierExpression,
calledType: identifier.type!,