crypto_secretbox_open static method
static Uint8List crypto_secretbox_open(
Uint8List m, Uint8List c, final int d, Uint8List n, Uint8List k) {
final x = Uint8List(32);
if (d < 32) {
throw 'The encrypted message must be at least 32-byte long';
crypto_stream(x, 0, 32, n, k);
// NOTE: the hash offset is zero instead of 16
if (_crypto_onetimeauth_verify(c, 16, c, 32, d - 32, x) != 0) {
throw 'The message is forged or malformed or the shared secret is invalid';
//return -1;
crypto_stream_xor(m, 0, c, 0, d, n, k);
///for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) m[i] = 0;
// FIXME: Check in tweetnacl where these 32 bytes disappear?
return m.sublist(32);