
A widget that makes another one pinch zoom, and return to its initial size and position when released.

PinchToZoomScrollableWidget is based on a fork of InteractiveViewer because the standard widget loses to ScrollView on GestureArena.

Also, the widget can preserve its state by transitioning to the Overlay and back.



1. add dependencies into you project pubspec.yaml file
  pinch_to_zoom_scrollable: ^0.1.1

Run flutter packages get in the root directory of your app.

2. import pinch_to_zoom_scrollable lib
import 'package:pinch_to_zoom_scrollable/pinch_to_zoom_scrollable.dart';

Now you can use PinchToZoomScrollableWidget as a widget in your code.

PinchToZoomScrollableWidget Props

props types description
child Widget Widget for zooming.
resetDuration Duration The duration of the reset animation. Default is Duration(milliseconds: 200).
resetCurve Curve The curve of the reset animation. Default is Curves.ease.
clipBehavior Clip Clipping behavior for InteractiveViewer. Default is Clip.none.
maxScale double The maximum allowed scale. Default to 8.
overlayColor Color Overlay background color. Default is Color(0x42000000).
saveState bool Use GlobalKey for saving state of child. Default is False.

Feel free to fork this repository and send pull request 🏁👍