piky library
- AdvancedCustomFilter
- The advanced custom filter.
- AndroidMediaColumns
- A class that contains the names of the columns used in the custom filter.
- AndroidPermission
- The permission for android.
- AssetEntity
The abstraction of assets (images/videos/audios).
It represents a series of fields
on Android and thePHAsset
object on iOS/macOS. - AssetEntityGridItemBuilder
- AssetEntityGridItemWidgetState
- AssetEntityImage
- A widget that displays an AssetEntity image.
- AssetEntityImageProvider
- AssetPathEntity
The abstraction of albums and folders.
It represent a bucket in the
on Android, and thePHAssetCollection
object on iOS/macOS. - ColumnUtils
- Utility functions for working with the CustomColumns class.
- ColumnWhereCondition
- The where condition item.
- CustomColumns
- A class that contains the names of the columns used in the custom filter.
- CustomFilter
- Full custom filter.
- CustomPickerConfigDelegate
- DarwinColumns
- A class that contains the names of the columns of the iOS/macOS platform.
- DateColumnWhereCondition
- The where condition item for date type.
- DateTimeCond
- A class that specifies the date and time constraints for queried assets.
- DurationConstraint
- A class that specifies the duration constraints for queried assets.
- FilterOption
- A series of filter options for AssetType when querying assets.
- FilterOptionGroup
- A collection of filtering and sorting options for querying assets.
- GiphyPickerConfigDelegate
- ImagePicker
- ImagePickerConfigDelegate
- ImagePickerController
- LatLng
- Represents a geographical location as a latitude-longitude pair.
- NotifyManager
- The manager for receiving notifications when assets change.
- OrderByItem
- The order by item.
- OrderOption
- A class that specifies the ordering criteria for queried assets.
- PermissionRequestOption
- See PermissionState.
- PhotoCachingManager
- The cache manager that helps to create/remove caches with specified assets.
- PhotoManager
- The core manager of this package, providing methods for accessing and managing assets.
- PhotoManagerPlugin
- The plugin class is the core class that call channel's methods.
- Picker
- PickerController
- PMDarwinPathFilter
- {@template PM.darwin_path_filter}
- PMFilter
- The base class of all the filters.
- PMPathFilter
- For filter the AssetPathEntity.
- PMProgressHandler
- Manages the progress of asset downloads from cloud storage services, such as iCloud.
- PMProgressState
- A state class that contains progress of the current downloading and state to indicate the request state of the asset.
- RequestType
- The request type when requesting paths.
- SizeConstraint
- A class that specifies the size constraints for queried images.
- SqlCustomFilter
- The sql custom filter.
- TextWhereCondition
- The where condition item for text.
- ThumbnailOption
- The options used when requesting thumbnails.
- ThumbnailSize
- The dimensions of the thumbnail data for an AssetEntity.
- WhereConditionGroup
- The group of WhereConditionItem and WhereConditionGroup.
- WhereConditionItem
- {@template PM.column_where_condition}
- WhereItem
- Where item class
- AssetType
- The type of the asset.
- BaseFilterType
- The type of the filter.
- DeliveryMode
Enumeration for
on iOS/macOS. - ImageFileType
- IosAccessLevel
- The app’s level of access to the user’s photo library.
- LogicalType
- The logical operator used in the CustomFilter.
- OrderOptionType
- An enumeration of possible options for sorting asset lists.
- PermissionState
- Information about app’s authorization to access the user’s photo library.
- PickerExpansion
- PickerType
- PikyOption
- PMDarwinAssetCollectionSubtype
- See document: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/photokit/phassetcollectionsubtype
- PMDarwinAssetCollectionType
- The type of PHAssetCollection.
- PMRequestState
- Indicate the current state when an asset is loading with PMProgressHandler.
- ResizeContentMode
- Fitting an image’s aspect ratio to a requested size on iOS/macOS.
- ResizeMode
- Specifies how to resize the requested image on iOS/macOS.
- SpecialImageType
- ThumbnailFormat
- Which format the thumbnail should be, generally support JPG and PNG.
- BaseFilterTypeExtension on BaseFilterType
- The extension of BaseFilterType.
- LogicalTypeExtension on LogicalType
- PermissionStateExt on PermissionState
- Provides extension methods for PermissionState values.
- PMDarwinAssetCollectionSubtypeExt on PMDarwinAssetCollectionSubtype
- PMDarwinAssetCollectionTypeExt on PMDarwinAssetCollectionType