assetsGridBuilder method

Widget assetsGridBuilder(
  1. BuildContext context,
  2. ScrollController scrollController,
  3. bool scrollLock,
  4. double footerHeight,

The main grid view builder for assets


Widget assetsGridBuilder(BuildContext context, ScrollController scrollController, bool scrollLock, double footerHeight){

  return Selector<DefaultAssetPickerProvider, AssetPathEntity?>(
    selector: (_, DefaultAssetPickerProvider p) => p.currentPathEntity,
    builder: (_, AssetPathEntity? path, __) {

      // First, we need the count of the assets.
      int totalCount = path?.assetCount ?? 0;

      // Then we use the [totalCount] to calculate how many placeholders we need.
      int placeholderCount = 0;
      if (totalCount % gridCount != 0) {
        // When there are left items that not filled into one row, filled the row
        // with placeholders.
        placeholderCount = gridCount - totalCount % gridCount;
      } else {
        // Otherwise, we don't need placeholders.
        placeholderCount = 0;

      Widget _sliverGrid(BuildContext c, List<AssetEntity> assets){
        return SliverGrid(
          delegate: SliverChildBuilderDelegate((_, int index) => Builder(
            builder: (BuildContext c){
              if (index >= assets.length) {
                return const SizedBox.shrink();
              return assetItemBuilder(context, provider, index, assets);
            childCount: assetGridItemCount(
              placeholderCount: placeholderCount
            // findChildIndexCallback: (Key key) {
            //   if (key is ValueKey<String>) {
            //     return findChildIndexBuilder(
            //       key.value,
            //       assets,
            //       placeholderCount: placeholderCount,
            //     );
            //   }
            //   return null;
            // },
          gridDelegate: SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount(
            crossAxisCount: gridCount,
            mainAxisSpacing: 1,
            crossAxisSpacing: 1

      return Selector<DefaultAssetPickerProvider, List<AssetEntity>>(
        selector: (_, DefaultAssetPickerProvider provider) => provider.currentAssets,
        builder: (_, List<AssetEntity> assets, __) {
          return AnimationLimiter(
            child: CustomScrollView(
              scrollDirection: Axis.vertical,
              physics: scrollLock ? NeverScrollableScrollPhysics() : BouncingScrollPhysics(parent: AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics()),
              controller: scrollController,
              slivers: [
                _sliverGrid(_, assets),
                  child: Container(height: footerHeight + MediaQueryData.fromWindow(window).viewPadding.bottom),