assetsGridBuilder method
- BuildContext context,
- ScrollController scrollController,
- bool scrollLock,
The main grid view builder for assets
Widget assetsGridBuilder(BuildContext context, ScrollController scrollController, bool scrollLock, double footerHeight){
return Selector<DefaultAssetPickerProvider, AssetPathEntity?>(
selector: (_, DefaultAssetPickerProvider p) => p.currentPathEntity,
builder: (_, AssetPathEntity? path, __) {
// First, we need the count of the assets.
int totalCount = path?.assetCount ?? 0;
// Then we use the [totalCount] to calculate how many placeholders we need.
int placeholderCount = 0;
if (totalCount % gridCount != 0) {
// When there are left items that not filled into one row, filled the row
// with placeholders.
placeholderCount = gridCount - totalCount % gridCount;
} else {
// Otherwise, we don't need placeholders.
placeholderCount = 0;
Widget _sliverGrid(BuildContext c, List<AssetEntity> assets){
return SliverGrid(
delegate: SliverChildBuilderDelegate((_, int index) => Builder(
builder: (BuildContext c){
if (index >= assets.length) {
return const SizedBox.shrink();
return assetItemBuilder(context, provider, index, assets);
childCount: assetGridItemCount(
placeholderCount: placeholderCount
// findChildIndexCallback: (Key key) {
// if (key is ValueKey<String>) {
// return findChildIndexBuilder(
// key.value,
// assets,
// placeholderCount: placeholderCount,
// );
// }
// return null;
// },
gridDelegate: SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount(
crossAxisCount: gridCount,
mainAxisSpacing: 1,
crossAxisSpacing: 1
return Selector<DefaultAssetPickerProvider, List<AssetEntity>>(
selector: (_, DefaultAssetPickerProvider provider) => provider.currentAssets,
builder: (_, List<AssetEntity> assets, __) {
return AnimationLimiter(
child: CustomScrollView(
scrollDirection: Axis.vertical,
physics: scrollLock ? NeverScrollableScrollPhysics() : BouncingScrollPhysics(parent: AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics()),
controller: scrollController,
slivers: [
_sliverGrid(_, assets),
child: Container(height: footerHeight + MediaQueryData.fromWindow(window).viewPadding.bottom),