proxyApiBaseClass top-level constant
const proxyApiBaseClass
The base class for all ProxyApis.
All Dart classes generated as a ProxyApi extends this one.
const String proxyApiBaseClass = '''
/// An immutable object that serves as the base class for all ProxyApis and
/// can provide functional copies of itself.
/// All implementers are expected to be [immutable] as defined by the annotation
/// and override [${classMemberNamePrefix}copy] returning an instance of itself.
abstract class $proxyApiBaseClassName {
/// Construct a [$proxyApiBaseClassName].
$dartInstanceManagerClassName? $_proxyApiBaseClassInstanceManagerVarName,
}) : $_proxyApiBaseClassInstanceManagerVarName =
$_proxyApiBaseClassInstanceManagerVarName ?? $dartInstanceManagerClassName.instance;
/// Sends and receives binary data across the Flutter platform barrier.
/// If it is null, the default BinaryMessenger will be used, which routes to
/// the host platform.
final BinaryMessenger? $_proxyApiBaseClassMessengerVarName;
/// Maintains instances stored to communicate with native language objects.
final $dartInstanceManagerClassName $_proxyApiBaseClassInstanceManagerVarName;
/// Instantiates and returns a functionally identical object to oneself.
/// Outside of tests, this method should only ever be called by
/// [$dartInstanceManagerClassName].
/// Subclasses should always override their parent's implementation of this
/// method.
$proxyApiBaseClassName ${classMemberNamePrefix}copy();