writeGeneralUtilities method

  1. @override
void writeGeneralUtilities(
  1. DartOptions generatorOptions,
  2. Root root,
  3. Indent indent, {
  4. required String dartPackageName,

Writes any necessary helper utilities to indent if needed.

This method is not required, and does not need to be overridden.


void writeGeneralUtilities(
  DartOptions generatorOptions,
  Root root,
  Indent indent, {
  required String dartPackageName,
}) {
  if (root.containsHostApi || root.containsProxyApi) {
  if (root.containsFlutterApi ||
      root.containsProxyApi ||
      generatorOptions.testOutPath != null) {
    _writeWrapResponse(generatorOptions, root, indent);