getHostDatatype function

HostDatatype getHostDatatype(
  1. TypeDeclaration type,
  2. String? builtinResolver(
    1. TypeDeclaration
    ), {
  3. String customResolver(
    1. String

Calculates the HostDatatype for the provided TypeDeclaration.

It will check the field against classes, the list of custom classes, to check if it is a builtin type. builtinResolver will return the host datatype for the Dart datatype for builtin types.

customResolver can modify the datatype of custom types.


HostDatatype getHostDatatype(
    TypeDeclaration type, String? Function(TypeDeclaration) builtinResolver,
    {String Function(String)? customResolver}) {
  return _getHostDatatype(type, builtinResolver,
      customResolver: customResolver);