writeFlutterApi method

  1. @override
void writeFlutterApi(
  1. SwiftOptions generatorOptions,
  2. Root root,
  3. Indent indent,
  4. AstFlutterApi api, {
  5. required String dartPackageName,

Writes the code for a flutter Api, api. Example: class Foo { private let binaryMessenger: FlutterBinaryMessenger init(binaryMessenger: FlutterBinaryMessenger) {...} func add(x: Int32, y: Int32, completion: @escaping (Int32?) -> Void) {...} }


void writeFlutterApi(
  SwiftOptions generatorOptions,
  Root root,
  Indent indent,
  AstFlutterApi api, {
  required String dartPackageName,
}) {
  final bool isCustomCodec = getCodecClasses(api, root).isNotEmpty;
  if (isCustomCodec) {
    _writeCodec(indent, api, root);

  const List<String> generatedComments = <String>[
    ' Generated protocol from Pigeon that represents Flutter messages that can be called from Swift.'
  addDocumentationComments(indent, api.documentationComments, _docCommentSpec,
      generatorComments: generatedComments);

  indent.addScoped('protocol ${api.name}Protocol {', '}', () {
    for (final Method func in api.methods) {
          indent, func.documentationComments, _docCommentSpec);
        name: func.name,
        parameters: func.parameters,
        returnType: func.returnType,
        errorTypeName: 'FlutterError',
        isAsynchronous: true,
        swiftFunction: func.swiftFunction,
        getParameterName: _getSafeArgumentName,

  indent.write('class ${api.name}: ${api.name}Protocol ');
  indent.addScoped('{', '}', () {
    indent.writeln('private let binaryMessenger: FlutterBinaryMessenger');
    indent.writeln('private let messageChannelSuffix: String');
        'init(binaryMessenger: FlutterBinaryMessenger, messageChannelSuffix: String = "") ');
    indent.addScoped('{', '}', () {
      indent.writeln('self.binaryMessenger = binaryMessenger');
          r'self.messageChannelSuffix = messageChannelSuffix.count > 0 ? ".\(messageChannelSuffix)" : ""');
    final String codecName = _getCodecName(api);
    String codecArgumentString = '';
    if (getCodecClasses(api, root).isNotEmpty) {
      codecArgumentString = ', codec: codec';
      indent.write('var codec: FlutterStandardMessageCodec ');
      indent.addScoped('{', '}', () {
        indent.writeln('return $codecName.shared');

    for (final Method func in api.methods) {
          indent, func.documentationComments, _docCommentSpec);
        name: func.name,
        channelName: makeChannelName(api, func, dartPackageName),
        parameters: func.parameters,
        returnType: func.returnType,
        codecArgumentString: codecArgumentString,
        swiftFunction: func.swiftFunction,