trace method

Iterable<Vec> trace()

Iterates over the points along the edge of the Rect.


Iterable<Vec> trace() {
  if (width > 1 && height > 1) {
    // TODO(bob): Implement an iterator class here if building the list is
    // slow.
    // Trace all four sides.
    final result = <Vec>[];

    for (var x = left; x < right; x++) {
      result.add(Vec(x, top));
      result.add(Vec(x, bottom - 1));

    for (var y = top + 1; y < bottom - 1; y++) {
      result.add(Vec(left, y));
      result.add(Vec(right - 1, y));

    return result;
  } else if (width > 1 && height == 1) {
    // A single row.
    return Rect.row(left, top, width);
  } else if (height >= 1 && width == 1) {
    // A single column, or one unit
    return Rect.column(left, top, height);

  // Otherwise, the rect doesn't have a positive size, so there's nothing to
  // trace.
  return const [];