Phone Codes 🌍
A list of all the country codes, dial codes, their corresponding country names, and flag.
- Have access to all the country codes.
- Get the country code by country name.
- Get the country name by country code.
- Get the country by dial code.
⚙️ Getting started
Install the package by adding the following line into your pubspec.yaml
phonecodes: <VERSION>
Now import the package into your project:
import 'package:phonecodes/phonecodes.dart';
📚 Usage
Find Country 🔍
To find the dial code of a specific country, use the following code:
var country = Countries.findByName("United Kingdom");
print(country.flag); // 🇬🇧
Similarly, you can get the country code, country name, and country flag by country name, country code, and dial code.
var c1 = Countries.findByName("United Kingdom");
var c2 = Countries.findByCode("GB");
var c3 = Countries.findByDialCode("+44");
If the country is not found, an exception will be thrown.
Model 🧑🏻💻
Country object is as shown below:
class Country {
final String name;
final String code;
final String dialCode;
final String flag;
const Country({
required this.code,
required this.dialCode,
required this.flag,
Contribute 💻
If you'd like to have a feature added, please open an issue or create a pull request.
License 🔑
License details can be found in the LICENSE file.
- phonecodes
- Support for doing something awesome.