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Phone Number Suggestion Plugin

Phone Number Suggestion Plugin is a Flutter plugin that allows you to fetch phone number suggestions using a bottom sheet. The plugin communicates with the native platform to show the bottom sheet and retrieve the phone number suggestion.


  • Fetch phone number suggestions using a bottom sheet.
  • Handle different result cases such as success, failure, closed by user, or error occurred.


To use the Phone Number Suggestion Plugin, add it to your pubspec.yaml file:

  phone_number_suggestion_plugin: ^1.0.0 # Replace with the latest version

Then, install the dependencies by running:

flutter pub get


To fetch the phone number suggestion, call the _invokeBottomSheet method:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:phone_number_suggestion_plugin/phone_number_suggestion_plugin.dart';

class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
   return ElevatedButton(
     onPressed: () async {
       PhoneNumber phoneNumber = await _invokeBottomSheet();
       String message = printMessage(pluginData: phoneNumber);
       /// Handle the suggestion result using the 'message'.
     child: Text('Fetch Phone Number'),

You can use the getMessage function to handle different result cases:

void printMessage({required PhoneNumber pluginData}) {
  switch (pluginData.runtimeType) {
    case Success:
      print('Phone number: ${(pluginData as Success).phoneNumber}');
    case Failure:
      print('Error message: ${(pluginData as Failure).errorMessage}');
    case ClosedByUser:
      print('Closed by user');
    case NoneOfTheSelected:
      print('Error occurred');
      throw Exception('Unknown type: ${pluginData.runtimeType}');


Contributions to the Phone Number Suggestion Plugin are welcome! If you find a bug, have a feature request, or want to contribute to the project, please follow the contribution guidelines.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

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