custom library
The Pheasant Framework Plugins/Custom Components API
This is the library for creating and defining custom functionality for your Pheasant Application. With this library, you can make your own plugins for others to use (check this link for a guided introduction), or add some custom functionality to your application.
Currently, the custom API includes support for the following:
- Creating your own Custom Components to use in Pheasant Files and Applications via the PheasantComponent class.
- Extending your Pheasant Application to include custom functionality such as custom routing via the PheasantBaseApp and PheasantApp classes.
In the neartime future, we plan to support some other functionality.
- AbortPaymentEvent
- AbsoluteOrientationSensor
- AbstractWorker
- Accelerometer
- AccessibleNode
- AccessibleNodeList
- AmbientLightSensor
- AnchorElement
- Animation
- AnimationEffectReadOnly
- AnimationEffectTiming
- AnimationEffectTimingReadOnly
- AnimationEvent
- AnimationPlaybackEvent
- AnimationTimeline
- AnimationWorkletGlobalScope
- ApplicationCache
- ApplicationCache is accessed via Window.applicationCache.
- ApplicationCacheErrorEvent
- AreaElement
- DOM Area Element, which links regions of an image map with a hyperlink.
- AudioElement
- AuthenticatorAssertionResponse
- AuthenticatorAttestationResponse
- AuthenticatorResponse
- BackgroundFetchClickEvent
- BackgroundFetchedEvent
- BackgroundFetchEvent
- BackgroundFetchFailEvent
- BackgroundFetchFetch
- BackgroundFetchManager
- BackgroundFetchRegistration
- BackgroundFetchSettledFetch
- BarcodeDetector
- BarProp
- BaseElement
- BatteryManager
- BeforeInstallPromptEvent
- BeforeUnloadEvent
- Blob
- BlobEvent
- BluetoothRemoteGattDescriptor
- Body
- BodyElement
- BRElement
- BroadcastChannel
- BudgetState
- ButtonElement
- ButtonInputElement
- A button, with no default behavior.
- CacheStorage
- CanMakePaymentEvent
- CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack
- CanvasElement
- CanvasGradient
- An opaque canvas object representing a gradient.
- CanvasImageSource
- An object that can be drawn to a 2D canvas rendering context.
- CanvasPattern
- An opaque object representing a pattern of image, canvas, or video.
- CanvasRenderingContext
- CanvasRenderingContext2D
- CDataSection
- CharacterData
- CheckboxInputElement
- A boolean editor control.
- ChildNode
- Client
- Clients
- ClipboardEvent
- CloseEvent
- Comment
- CompositionEvent
- Console
- ContentElement
- CookieStore
- Coordinates
- Credential
- CredentialsContainer
- CredentialUserData
- Crypto
- CryptoKey
- Css
- CssCharsetRule
- CssClassSet
- A Set that stores the CSS class names for an element.
- CssConditionRule
- CssFontFaceRule
- CssGroupingRule
- CssImageValue
- CssImportRule
- CssKeyframeRule
- CssKeyframesRule
- CssKeywordValue
- CssMatrixComponent
- CssMediaRule
- CssNamespaceRule
- CssNumericValue
- CssPageRule
- CssPerspective
- CssPositionValue
- CssRect
- A class for representing CSS dimensions.
- CssResourceValue
- CssRotation
- CssRule
- CssScale
- CssSkew
- CssStyleDeclaration
- CssStyleDeclarationBase
- CssStyleRule
- CssStyleSheet
- CssStyleValue
- CssSupportsRule
- CssTransformComponent
- CssTransformValue
- CssTranslation
- CssUnitValue
- CssUnparsedValue
- CssurlImageValue
- CssVariableReferenceValue
- CssViewportRule
- CustomElementRegistry
- CustomEvent
T extends Event> - A stream of custom events, which enables the user to "fire" (add) their own custom events to a stream.
- DataElement
- DataListElement
- DataTransfer
- DataTransferItem
- DataTransferItemList
- DateInputElement
- A date (year, month, day) with no time zone.
- DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope
- DeprecatedStorageInfo
- DeprecatedStorageQuota
- DeprecationReport
- DetailsElement
- DetectedBarcode
- DetectedFace
- DetectedText
- DeviceAcceleration
- DeviceMotionEvent
- DeviceOrientationEvent
- DeviceRotationRate
- DialogElement
- Dimension
- Class representing a length measurement in CSS.
- DirectoryEntry
- DirectoryReader
- DivElement
- A generic container for content on an HTML page; corresponds to the <div> tag.
- DListElement
- Document
- The base class for all documents.
- DocumentFragment
- DocumentOrShadowRoot
- DocumentTimeline
- DomError
- DomException
- DomImplementation
- DomIterator
- DomMatrix
- DomMatrixReadOnly
- DomParser
- DomPoint
- DomPointReadOnly
- DomQuad
- DomRectList
- DomRectReadOnly
- DomStringList
- DomStringMap
- DomTokenList
- Element
- An abstract class, which all HTML elements extend.
- ElementEvents
T extends Element> - An immutable list containing HTML elements. This list contains some additional methods when compared to regular lists for ease of CSS manipulation on a group of elements.
T extends Event> - A specialized Stream available to Elements to enable event delegation.
- ElementUpgrader
- A utility for changing the Dart wrapper type for elements.
- EmailInputElement
- An e-mail address or list of e-mail addresses.
- EmbedElement
- Entry
- ErrorEvent
- Event
- Events
- Base class that supports listening for and dispatching browser events.
- EventSource
T extends Event> - A factory to expose DOM events as Streams.
- EventTarget
- Base class for all browser objects that support events.
- ExtendableEvent
- ExtendableMessageEvent
- External
- FaceDetector
- FederatedCredential
- FetchEvent
- FieldSetElement
- File
- FileEntry
- FileList
- FileReader
- FileSystem
- FileUploadInputElement
- A control for picking files from the user's computer.
- FileWriter
T> - FocusEvent
- FontFace
- FontFaceSet
- FontFaceSetLoadEvent
- FontFaceSource
- ForeignFetchEvent
- FormData
- FormElement
- Gamepad
- GamepadButton
- GamepadEvent
- GamepadPose
- Geolocation
- Geoposition
- GlobalEventHandlers
- Gyroscope
- HashChangeEvent
- HeadElement
- Headers
- HeadingElement
- HiddenInputElement
- Hidden input which is not intended to be seen or edited by the user.
- History
- HistoryBase
- HRElement
tag. - HtmlCollection
- HtmlDocument
- HtmlElement
- HtmlFormControlsCollection
- HtmlHtmlElement
- HtmlHyperlinkElementUtils
- HtmlOptionsCollection
- HttpRequest
- A client-side XHR request for getting data from a URL, formally known as XMLHttpRequest.
- HttpRequestEventTarget
- HttpRequestUpload
- HttpStatus
- HTTP status codes. Exported in dart:io and dart:html.
- IdleDeadline
- IFrameElement
- ImageBitmap
- ImageBitmapRenderingContext
- ImageButtonInputElement
- Either an image which the user can select a coordinate to or a form submit button.
- ImageCapture
- ImageData
- ImageElement
E> - InputDeviceCapabilities
- InputElement
- InputElementBase
- Exposes the functionality common between all InputElement types.
- InstallEvent
- IntersectionObserver
- IntersectionObserverEntry
- InterventionReport
- KeyboardEvent
- An event that describes user interaction with the keyboard.
- KeyboardEventStream
- Records KeyboardEvents that occur on a particular element, and provides a stream of outgoing KeyEvents with cross-browser consistent keyCode and charCode values despite the fact that a multitude of browsers that have varying keyboard default behavior.
- KeyCode
- Defines the keycode values for keys that are returned by KeyboardEvent.keyCode.
- KeyEvent
- A custom KeyboardEvent that attempts to eliminate cross-browser inconsistencies, and also provide both keyCode and charCode information for all key events (when such information can be determined).
- KeyframeEffect
- KeyframeEffectReadOnly
- KeyLocation
- Defines the standard key locations returned by KeyboardEvent.getKeyLocation.
- LabelElement
- LegendElement
- LIElement
- LinearAccelerationSensor
- LinkElement
- LocalDateTimeInputElement
- A date and time (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fraction of a second) with no time zone.
- Location
- LocationBase
- Magnetometer
- MapElement
- MathMLElement
- MediaCapabilities
- MediaCapabilitiesInfo
- MediaDeviceInfo
- MediaDevices
- MediaElement
- MediaEncryptedEvent
- MediaError
- MediaKeyMessageEvent
- MediaKeys
- MediaKeySession
- MediaKeysPolicy
- MediaKeyStatusMap
- MediaKeySystemAccess
- MediaList
- MediaMetadata
- MediaQueryList
- MediaQueryListEvent
- MediaRecorder
- MediaSession
- MediaSettingsRange
- MediaSource
- MediaStream
- MediaStreamEvent
- MediaStreamTrack
- MediaStreamTrackEvent
- MemoryInfo
- MenuElement
- MessageChannel
- MessageEvent
- MessagePort
- Metadata
- MetaElement
- MeterElement
- MidiAccess
- MidiConnectionEvent
- MidiInput
- MidiInputMap
- MidiMessageEvent
- MidiOutput
- MidiOutputMap
- MidiPort
- MimeType
- MimeTypeArray
- ModElement
- MonthInputElement
- A date consisting of a year and a month with no time zone.
- MouseEvent
- MutationEvent
- MutationObserver
- MutationRecord
- NetworkInformation
- Node
- NodeFilter
- NodeIterator
- NodeList
- NodeTreeSanitizer
- Performs sanitization of a node tree after construction to ensure that it does not contain any disallowed elements or attributes.
- NodeValidator
- Interface used to validate that only accepted elements and attributes are allowed while parsing HTML strings into DOM nodes.
- NodeValidatorBuilder
- Class which helps construct standard node validation policies.
- NoncedElement
- NonDocumentTypeChildNode
- NonElementParentNode
- Notification
- NotificationEvent
- NumberInputElement
- A numeric editor control.
- ObjectElement
- OffscreenCanvas
- OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D
- OListElement
- OptGroupElement
- OptionElement
- OrientationSensor
- OutputElement
- OverconstrainedError
- PageTransitionEvent
- PaintRenderingContext2D
- PaintSize
- PaintWorkletGlobalScope
- ParagraphElement
- ParamElement
- ParentNode
- PasswordCredential
- PasswordInputElement
- Text with no line breaks (sensitive information).
- Path2D
- PaymentAddress
- PaymentInstruments
- PaymentManager
- PaymentRequest
- PaymentRequestEvent
- PaymentRequestUpdateEvent
- PaymentResponse
- Performance
- PerformanceEntry
- PerformanceLongTaskTiming
- PerformanceMark
- PerformanceMeasure
- PerformanceObserver
- PerformanceObserverEntryList
- PerformancePaintTiming
- PerformanceResourceTiming
- PerformanceServerTiming
- PerformanceTiming
- Permissions
- PermissionStatus
- PheasantApp
- The Standard Pheasant Application used in creating and rendering applications in a Pheasant Web App.
- PheasantBaseApp
- A base Pheasant Application. This can be used instead of the createApp function to extend your application and its functionality, like by adding routers.
- PheasantComponent
- Base component for creating a custom component
- PhotoCapabilities
- PictureElement
- Platform
- Plugin
- PluginArray
T extends num> - A utility class for representing two-dimensional positions.
- PointerEvent
- PopStateEvent
- PositionError
- PreElement
- Presentation
- PresentationAvailability
- PresentationConnection
- PresentationConnectionAvailableEvent
- PresentationConnectionCloseEvent
- PresentationConnectionList
- PresentationReceiver
- PresentationRequest
- ProcessingInstruction
- ProgressElement
- ProgressEvent
- PromiseRejectionEvent
- PublicKeyCredential
- PushEvent
- PushManager
- PushMessageData
- PushSubscription
- PushSubscriptionOptions
- QuoteElement
- RadioButtonInputElement
- A control that when used with other RadioButtonInputElement controls forms a radio button group in which only one control can be checked at a time.
- Range
- RangeInputElement
- Similar to NumberInputElement but the browser may provide more optimal styling (such as a slider control).
- RangeInputElementBase
- Base interface for all input element types which involve ranges.
- ReadyState
- Contains the set of standard values returned by HTMLDocument.getReadyState.
T extends num> - A class for representing two-dimensional rectangles whose properties are immutable.
- RelatedApplication
- RelativeOrientationSensor
- RemotePlayback
- ReportBody
- ReportingObserver
- ResetButtonInputElement
- A button, which when clicked, resets the form.
- ResizeObserver
- ResizeObserverEntry
- RtcCertificate
- RtcDataChannel
- RtcDataChannelEvent
- RtcDtmfSender
- RtcDtmfToneChangeEvent
- RtcIceCandidate
- RtcLegacyStatsReport
- RtcPeerConnection
- RtcPeerConnectionIceEvent
- RtcRtpContributingSource
- RtcRtpReceiver
- RtcRtpSender
- RtcSessionDescription
- RtcStatsReport
- RtcStatsResponse
- RtcTrackEvent
- Screen
- ScreenOrientation
- ScriptElement
- ScrollAlignment
- Options for Element.scrollIntoView.
- ScrollState
- ScrollTimeline
- SearchInputElement
- Similar to TextInputElement, but on platforms where search is styled differently this will get the search style.
- SecurityPolicyViolationEvent
- SelectElement
- Selection
- Sensor
- SensorErrorEvent
- ServiceWorker
- ServiceWorkerContainer
- ServiceWorkerGlobalScope
- ServiceWorkerRegistration
- ShadowElement
- ShadowRoot
- SlotElement
- SourceBuffer
- SourceBufferList
- SourceElement
- SpanElement
- SpeechGrammar
- SpeechGrammarList
- SpeechRecognition
- SpeechRecognitionAlternative
- SpeechRecognitionError
- SpeechRecognitionEvent
- SpeechRecognitionResult
- SpeechSynthesis
- SpeechSynthesisEvent
- SpeechSynthesisUtterance
- SpeechSynthesisVoice
T> - The base class to represent State in an object.
- StaticRange
- Storage
- The type used by the Window.localStorage and Window.sessionStorage properties. Storage is implemented as a Map<String, String>.
- StorageEvent
- StorageManager
- StyleElement
- StyleMedia
- StylePropertyMap
- StylePropertyMapReadonly
- StyleSheet
- SubmitButtonInputElement
- A button, which when clicked, submits the form.
- SyncEvent
- SyncManager
- TableCaptionElement
- TableCellElement
- TableColElement
- TableElement
- TableRowElement
- TableSectionElement
- TaskAttributionTiming
- TelephoneInputElement
- Represents a control for editing a telephone number.
- TemplateElement
- TemplateState
The class used in Pheasant Template Components. This class extends the base class
with functionality used directly in controlling state in an application. - Text
- TextAreaElement
- TextDetector
- TextEvent
- TextInputElement
- A basic text input editor control.
- TextInputElementBase
- Base interface for all inputs which involve text editing.
- TextMetrics
- TextTrack
- TextTrackCue
- TextTrackCueList
- TextTrackList
- TimeElement
- TimeInputElement
- A time (hour, minute, seconds, fractional seconds) with no time zone.
- TimeRanges
- TitleElement
- Touch
- TouchEvent
- TouchList
- TrackDefault
- TrackDefaultList
- TrackElement
- TrackEvent
- TransitionEvent
- TreeWalker
- TrustedHtml
- TrustedScriptUrl
- TrustedUrl
- UIEvent
- UListElement
- UnderlyingSourceBase
- UnknownElement
- UriPolicy
- Defines the policy for what types of uris are allowed for particular attribute values.
- Url
- UrlInputElement
- A control for editing an absolute URL.
- UrlSearchParams
- UrlUtilsReadOnly
- ValidityState
- VideoElement
- VideoPlaybackQuality
- VideoTrack
- VideoTrackList
- VisualViewport
- VR
- VRCoordinateSystem
- VRDevice
- VRDeviceEvent
- VRDisplay
- VRDisplayCapabilities
- VRDisplayEvent
- VREyeParameters
- VRFrameData
- VRFrameOfReference
- VRPose
- VRSession
- VRSessionEvent
- VRStageBounds
- VRStageBoundsPoint
- VRStageParameters
- VttCue
- VttRegion
- WebSocket
- Use the WebSocket interface to connect to a WebSocket, and to send and receive data on that WebSocket.
- WeekInputElement
- A date consisting of a week-year number and a week number with no time zone.
- WheelEvent
- Window
- Top-level container for the current browser tab or window.
- WindowBase
- Top-level container for a browser tab or window.
- WindowBase64
- WindowClient
- WindowEventHandlers
- Worker
- WorkerGlobalScope
- WorkerPerformance
- WorkletAnimation
- WorkletGlobalScope
- XmlDocument
- XmlSerializer
- XPathEvaluator
- XPathExpression
- XPathNSResolver
- XPathResult
- XsltProcessor
- document → HtmlDocument
Root node for all content in a web page.
no setter
- window → Window
Top-level container for a web page, which is usually a browser tab or window.
no setter
String html, {String parent = 'div', Map< String, String> attributes = const {}}) → Element -
T> (Object jsPromise) → Future< T> - Converts a JavaScript Promise to a Dart Future.
dynamic jsPromise) → Future< Map< String, dynamic> ?> - Convert a JS Promise to a Future<Map<String, dynamic>>.
String selectors) → Element? - Finds the first descendant element of this document that matches the specified group of selectors.
T extends Element> (String selectors) → ElementList< T> - Finds all descendant elements of this document that match the specified group of selectors.
- BlobCallback = void Function(Blob? blob)
- CustomElementConstructor = void Function()
- DecodeErrorCallback = void Function(DomException error)
- DecodeSuccessCallback = void Function(AudioBuffer decodedData)
- EventListener = dynamic Function(Event event)
- FontFaceSetForEachCallback = void Function(FontFace fontFace, FontFace fontFaceAgain, FontFaceSet set)
- Emitted for any setlike IDL entry needs a callback signature. Today there is only one.
- FrameRequestCallback = void Function(num highResTime)
- FunctionStringCallback = void Function(String data)
- IdleRequestCallback = void Function(IdleDeadline deadline)
- IntersectionObserverCallback = void Function(List entries, IntersectionObserver observer)
- MediaSessionActionHandler = void Function()
- MessageCallback = void Function(Map message)
- MetadataCallback = void Function(Metadata metadata)
- MojoWatchCallback = void Function(int result)
- MutationCallback = void Function(List mutations, MutationObserver observer)
- PerformanceObserverCallback = void Function(PerformanceObserverEntryList entries, PerformanceObserver observer)
- RemotePlaybackAvailabilityCallback = void Function(bool available)
- ReportingObserverCallback = void Function(List reports, ReportingObserver observer)
- RequestAnimationFrameCallback = void Function(num highResTime)
- ResizeObserverCallback = void Function(List entries, ResizeObserver observer)
- RtcPeerConnectionErrorCallback = void Function(DomException exception)
- RtcStatsCallback = void Function(RtcStatsResponse response)
- ScrollStateCallback = void Function(ScrollState scrollState)
- StorageErrorCallback = void Function(DomError error)
- StorageQuotaCallback = void Function(int grantedQuotaInBytes)
- StorageUsageCallback = void Function(int currentUsageInBytes, int currentQuotaInBytes)
- TimeoutHandler = void Function()
- VoidCallback = void Function()