DartGrammarDefinition class

Dart grammar definition.




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


abstractToken() → Parser
additiveExpression() → Parser
additiveOperator() → Parser
argumentElement() → Parser
argumentList() → Parser
arguments() → Parser
assertToken() → Parser
assignableExpression() → Parser
assignableSelector() → Parser
assignmentOperator() → Parser
asToken() → Parser
bitwiseAndExpression() → Parser
bitwiseOperator() → Parser
bitwiseOrExpression() → Parser
bitwiseXorExpression() → Parser
block() → Parser
breakToken() → Parser
build<T>({Function? start, List<Object> arguments = const []}) → Parser<T>
Builds a composite parser from this definition.
caseToken() → Parser
catchPart() → Parser
catchToken() → Parser
classDefinition() → Parser
classMemberDefinition() → Parser
classToken() → Parser
compilationUnit() → Parser
compoundLiteral() → Parser
conditionalExpression() → Parser
constantConstructorDeclaration() → Parser
constantExpression() → Parser
constInitializedIdentifier() → Parser
constInitializedVariableDeclaration() → Parser
constructorDeclaration() → Parser
constToken() → Parser
continueToken() → Parser
declaration() → Parser
declaredIdentifier() → Parser
defaultCase() → Parser
defaultFormalParameter() → Parser
defaultToken() → Parser
deferredToken() → Parser
digitLexicalToken() → Parser
doToken() → Parser
elseToken() → Parser
equalityExpression() → Parser
equalityOperator() → Parser
exponentLexicalToken() → Parser
exportToken() → Parser
expression() → Parser
expressionInParentheses() → Parser
expressionList() → Parser
extendsToken() → Parser
factoryConstructorDeclaration() → Parser
factoryToken() → Parser
falseToken() → Parser
fieldFormalParameter() → Parser
fieldInitializer() → Parser
finallyPart() → Parser
finallyToken() → Parser
finalToken() → Parser
forInitializerStatement() → Parser
forLoopParts() → Parser
formalParameterList() → Parser
forToken() → Parser
functionBody() → Parser
functionBodyOrNative() → Parser
functionDeclaration() → Parser
functionExpression() → Parser
functionExpressionBody() → Parser
functionNative() → Parser
functionPrefix() → Parser
functionTypeAlias() → Parser
getOrSet() → Parser
getToken() → Parser
hashbangLexicalToken() → Parser
hexDigitLexicalToken() → Parser
hexNumberLexicalToken() → Parser
hiddenStuffWhitespace() → Parser
hiddenWhitespace() → Parser
hideToken() → Parser
identifier() → Parser
identifierLexicalToken() → Parser
identifierPartLexicalToken() → Parser
identifierStartLexicalToken() → Parser
identifierStartNoDollarLexicalToken() → Parser
ifToken() → Parser
implementsToken() → Parser
importDirective() → Parser
importToken() → Parser
incrementOperator() → Parser
initializedIdentifier() → Parser
initializedIdentifierList() → Parser
initializedVariableDeclaration() → Parser
initializers() → Parser
interfaces() → Parser
inToken() → Parser
isOperator() → Parser
isToken() → Parser
iterationStatement() → Parser
label() → Parser
letterLexicalToken() → Parser
libraryDirective() → Parser
libraryToken() → Parser
listLiteral() → Parser
literal() → Parser
logicalAndExpression() → Parser
logicalOrExpression() → Parser
mapLiteral() → Parser
mapLiteralEntry() → Parser
methodDeclaration() → Parser
multiLineComment() → Parser
multiLineStringLexicalToken() → Parser
multiplicativeExpression() → Parser
multiplicativeOperator() → Parser
namedConstructorDeclaration() → Parser
namedFormalParameters() → Parser
namedFormatParameter() → Parser
nativeToken() → Parser
negateOperator() → Parser
negateToken() → Parser
newlineLexicalToken() → Parser
newToken() → Parser
nonLabelledStatement() → Parser
normalFormalParameter() → Parser
normalFormalParameterTail() → Parser
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
nullToken() → Parser
numberLexicalToken() → Parser
numberOptFractionalPartLexicalToken() → Parser
numberOptIllegalEndLexicalToken() → Parser
ofToken() → Parser
operatorToken() → Parser
optionalFormalParameters() → Parser
partToken() → Parser
postfixExpression() → Parser
postfixOperator() → Parser
prefixOperator() → Parser
primary() → Parser
qualified() → Parser
redirection() → Parser
ref<T>(Function callback, [dynamic arg1 = undefined, dynamic arg2 = undefined, dynamic arg3 = undefined, dynamic arg4 = undefined, dynamic arg5 = undefined]) → Parser<T>
Reference to a production callback optionally parametrized with arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, and arg5.
ref0<T>(Parser<T> callback()) → Parser<T>
Reference to a production callback without any parameters.
ref1<T, A1>(Parser<T> callback(A1), A1 arg1) → Parser<T>
Reference to a production callback parametrized with a single argument arg1.
ref2<T, A1, A2>(Parser<T> callback(A1, A2), A1 arg1, A2 arg2) → Parser<T>
Reference to a production callback parametrized with two arguments arg1 and arg2.
ref3<T, A1, A2, A3>(Parser<T> callback(A1, A2, A3), A1 arg1, A2 arg2, A3 arg3) → Parser<T>
Reference to a production callback parametrized with tree arguments arg1, arg2, and arg3.
ref4<T, A1, A2, A3, A4>(Parser<T> callback(A1, A2, A3, A4), A1 arg1, A2 arg2, A3 arg3, A4 arg4) → Parser<T>
Reference to a production callback parametrized with four arguments arg1, arg2, arg3, and arg4.
ref5<T, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5>(Parser<T> callback(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5), A1 arg1, A2 arg2, A3 arg3, A4 arg4, A5 arg5) → Parser<T>
Reference to a production callback parametrized with five arguments arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, and arg5.
relationalExpression() → Parser
relationalOperator() → Parser
returnToken() → Parser
returnType() → Parser
selectionStatement() → Parser
selector() → Parser
setToken() → Parser
shiftExpression() → Parser
shiftOperator() → Parser
showToken() → Parser
simpleFormalParameter() → Parser
singleLineComment() → Parser
singleLineStringLexicalToken() → Parser
specialSignatureDefinition() → Parser
start() → Parser
The starting production of this definition.
statement() → Parser
statements() → Parser
staticFinalDeclaration() → Parser
staticFinalDeclarationList() → Parser
staticToken() → Parser
stringContentDoubleQuotedLexicalToken() → Parser
stringContentSingleQuotedLexicalToken() → Parser
stringLexicalToken() → Parser
superCallOrFieldInitializer() → Parser
superclass() → Parser
superToken() → Parser
switchCase() → Parser
switchToken() → Parser
thisToken() → Parser
throwToken() → Parser
token(Object input) → Parser
topLevelDefinition() → Parser
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
trueToken() → Parser
tryStatement() → Parser
tryToken() → Parser
type() → Parser
typeArguments() → Parser
typedefToken() → Parser
typeList() → Parser
typeParameter() → Parser
typeParameters() → Parser
unaryExpression() → Parser
userDefinableOperator() → Parser
variableDeclaration() → Parser
varToken() → Parser
visibleWhitespace() → Parser
voidToken() → Parser
whileToken() → Parser


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.