allMatches method

Iterable<T> allMatches(
  1. String input, {
  2. int start = 0,
  3. bool overlapping = false,

Returns a lazy iterable over all non-overlapping successful parse results of type T over the provided input.

If start is provided, parsing will start at that index.

If overlapping is set to true, the parsing is attempted at each input position and does not skip over previous matches.

For example, with the parser

final parser = letter().plus().flatten();

parser.allMatches('abc de') results in the iterable ['abc', 'de']; and parser.allMatches('abc de', overlapping: true) results in the iterable ['abc', 'bc', 'c', 'de', 'e'].


Iterable<T> allMatches(String input,
        {int start = 0, bool overlapping = false}) =>
    MatchesIterable<T>(this, input, start, overlapping);