build method

  1. @useResult
Parser<T> build()

Builds the expression parser.


Parser<T> build() {
  final primitives = <Parser<T>>[
    ..._groups.expand((group) => group.primitives),
  assert(primitives.isNotEmpty, 'At least one primitive parser expected');
  final parser = _groups.fold<Parser<T>>(
    (parser, group) =>,
  // Replace all uses of `_loopback` with `parser`. Do not use `resolve()`
  // because that might try to resolve unrelated parsers outside of the scope
  // of the `ExpressionBuilder` and cause infinite recursion.
  for (final parent in allParser(parser)) {
    parent.replace(_loopback, parser);
  // Also update the loopback parser, just in case somebody keeps a reference
  // to it (not that anybody should do that).
  return parser;