parseOn method

  1. @override
Result<R> parseOn(
  1. Context context

Primitive method doing the actual parsing.

The method is overridden in concrete subclasses to implement the parser specific logic. The methods takes a parse context and returns the resulting context, which is either a Success or Failure context.


Result<R> parseOn(Context context) {
  final buffer = context.buffer;

  // Trim the left part:
  final before = _trim(left, buffer, context.position);
  if (before != context.position) {
    context = Context(buffer, before);

  // Consume the delegate:
  final result = delegate.parseOn(context);
  if (result.isFailure) {
    return result;

  // Trim the right part:
  final after = _trim(right, buffer, result.position);
  return after == result.position
      ? result
      : result.success(result.value, after);