Adding ordinal suffixesx
Adding and removing separator to / from numbersx
Converting Persian numbers to Arabic / English numbers and reversex
Checking a string has/is Persianx
Validating Iranians national idx
Finding city and province names by national idx
Calculating billsx
Checking IBAN of the bank account (SHEBA)x
Validating ATM card numberx
Validating Iranians phone numberx
Finding banks name by ATM card numberx
Getting information from vehicle platex
Fixing and decoding URLs with whitespace
now let's look at examples and how work with apis in package
Adding Ordinal Suffixes - source
var number = 'سی سه'; // or سی | شصت | پنجاه دو
addOrdinalSuffix(number); // سی سوم | سی اُم | شصتم | پنجاه دوم
number.withOrdinalSuffix // ... like so
Adding and removing separator to / from numbers - source
addCommas('3333'); // 3,333
addCommas('۸۲۳۳۴۵'); // 823,345
removeCommas('654,562'); // 654562
removeCommas('3,365.255'); // 3365.255
'11222'.addComma // 11,222
'4,544.562'.removeComma // 4544.562
Converting Persian numbers to Arabic / English numbers and reverse - source
convertArToFa('السلام علیکم 14۱۲۳6٤٥'); // السلام علیکم 14۱۲۳6۴۵
convertArToEn('Persian Tools : 123٥٦٧'); // Persian Tools : 123567
convertEnToFa('سلام این هارو فارسی کن : 22۲۳۴'); // سلام این هارو فارسی کن : ۲۲۲۳۴
convertFaToEn('سلام این هارو اینگلیسی کن : 22۲۳۴'); // سلام این هارو اینگلیسی کن : 22234
Checking a string has/is Persian - source
isPersian('این یک متن فارسی است؟'); // true
isPersian('هل هذا نص فارسي؟'); // false
hasPersian('This text includes فارسی'); // true
hasPersian('Это персидский س текст?'); // true
hasPersian('أكد رئيس اللجنة العسكرية الممثلة لحكومة الوفاق أراضي البلاد.'); //true
Validate Iranian national ID - source
var nationalID = '0684159414';
verifyIranianNationalId(nationalID); // true
///the nationalID should contain 10 digit, so the following verifications
///should return false
nationalID = '00000';
verifyIranianNationalId(nationalID); // false
/// verify nationalId with extension methods over [String] class
nationalID = '';
nationalID.isIranianNationalId; // false
Find city and province name by national code - source
final place = getPlaceByIranNationalId('0084575948');
place?.city.name; // تهران مرکزی
place?.province.name; // تهران
/// get place with extension methods over [String] class
final nationalId = '2110990147';
nationalId.getPlaceNationalId?.city.name; // گرگان
nationalId.getPlaceNationalId?.province.name; // گلستان
Calculating Bill - source
var bill = Bill(billId: 9174639504124, paymentId: 12908197, currency: 'rial');
bill.barcode // 917463950412400012908197
bill.billType // برق
bill.amount // 129000
bill.isBillValid // false
bill.isPaymentIdValid // false
bill.isBillIdValid // true
// returns all the above getter as a Map with same as getters
Checking IBAN of the bank account (SHEBA) - source
var sheba = Sheba('IR820540102680020817909002');
var bank = sheba(); // Returns nullable object of BankInformation
bank?.nickname // nickname of bank
bank?.name // complete name of bank
bank?.persianName // complete persian name of bank
bank?.code // code of bank
// true means with sheba package can take account number, false means package can't
bank?.accountNumber // account number in simple numbers
bank?.formattedAccountNumber // account number with hyphen
sheba.isValid // true
Validating ATM card number - source
validateCardNumber('6219861034529007'); // true
validateCardNumber('6219861034529007'); // true
validateCardNumber('0000000000000000'); // false
validateCardNumber('621986103452900'); // false
Validating Iranians phone number - source
final phoneNumber = '09022002580';
// phone number validator
phoneNumberValidator(phoneNumber); // true
// phone number prefix
getPhonePrefix(phoneNumber); // 902
// phone number detail
final operatorDetail = getPhoneNumberDetail(phoneNumber);
operatorDetail?.name; // ایرانسل
operatorDetail?.provinces; // []
operatorDetail?.base; // کشوری
operatorDetail?.type; // SimCartType.both
/// you can also use this methods as String extension method
// phone number validator
phoneNumber.isPhoneNumber; // true
// phone number prefix
phoneNumber.phoneNumberPrefix; // 902
// phone number detail
phoneNumber.phoneNumberDetail?.name; // ایرانسل
Finding banks name by card number - source
final cardNumber = '6037701689095443';
final bankInfo = getBankNameFromCardNumber(cardNumber);
bankInfo?.name; // بانک کشاورزی
bankInfo?.initCode; // 603770
/// you can also use this methods as String extension method
// get bank info from String
cardNumber.bankNameFromCard?.name; // بانک کشاورزی
Getting information from vehicle plate - source
var motorcyclePlate = Plate(plate: '12345678');
motorcyclePlate.info.type // Motorcycle
motorcyclePlate.info.template // 123-45678
motorcyclePlate.info.province // مرکز تهران
motorcyclePlate.info.category // null because its type is Motorcycle
motorcyclePlate.isValid // true
// because of persian language you may see plate in wrong form
var carPlate = Plate(plate: '12ب14547');
carPlate.info.type // Car
carPlate.info.template // 12{B}145{Iran}47 , B=ب Iran=ایران
carPlate.info.province // مرکزی
carPlate.info.category // شخصی
carPlate.isValid // true
// you can also create [Plate] with below String extension method
var motorPlate = '12345678'.createVehiclePlate;
motorPlate.info.type // Motorcycle
motorPlate.info.template // 123-45678
motorPlate.info.province // مرکز تهران
motorPlate.info.category // null because its type is Motorcycle
motorPlate.isValid // true
Fixing and decoding URLs - source
var url = 'wss://hostname.domain/?q=i am a wrong query';
urlFix(url); // wss://hostname.domain/?q=i%20am%20a%20wrong%20query
- persian_tools
- persian_tools is main lib