A Flutter package that provides users access to pick a date using a Persian calendar.
Minimal Calendar | Custom Decoration Calendar |
MinimalPersianCalendar.pickFullDate widget
/// pickFullDate dialog box
onPressed: () {
/// open date picker widget
/// user have access to pick day, month and year
context: context,
onSubmit: (jalaliDate, dateInText) {
/// when user choose date from dialog box and submit two
/// types of `Jalali` date returned here
/// Jalali [jalaliDate]: Jalali(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond)
/// String [dateInText]: '12 ordibehesht 1403'
setState(() {
selectedDate = dateInText;
log('dateInText of pick full date: $dateInText');
log('jalaliDate of pick full date: $jalaliDate');
child: const Text('انتخاب روز ماه و سال')),
CustomDecorationPersianCalendar.pickFullDate widget
/// pickFullDate dialog box
onPressed: () {
/// open date picker widget
/// user have access to pick day, month and year
context: context,
onSubmit: (jalaliDate, dateInText) {
/// when user choose date from dialog box and submit two
/// types of `Jalali` date returned here
/// Jalali [jalaliDate]: Jalali(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond)
/// String [dateInText]: '12 ordibehesht 1403'
setState(() {
selectedDate = dateInText;
log('dateInText of pick full date: $dateInText');
log('jalaliDate of pick full date: $jalaliDate');
background: Colors.cyan.shade50,
/// change cancel button decoration
cancelTitle: 'لغو',
cancelButtonStyle: TextButton.styleFrom(),
cancelTextStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.cyan.shade700),
/// change submit button decoration
submitTitle: 'ثبت',
submitButtonStyle: ElevatedButton.styleFrom(
elevation: 10,
shadowColor: Colors.cyan.shade400,
backgroundColor: Colors.cyan.shade700,
shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(5.0),
submitTextStyle: TextStyle(color: Colors.cyan.shade100),
/// change date button decoration
dateButtonStyle: TextButton.styleFrom(),
dateSelectedButtonStyle: TextButton.styleFrom(
elevation: 0,
backgroundColor: Colors.cyan.shade700,
shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(5.0),
dateTextStyle: TextStyle(
color: Colors.cyan.shade700,
dateSelectedTextStyle: const TextStyle(
color: Colors.white54,
/// change title decoration
titleBoxStyle: BoxDecoration(
borderRadius: const BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(8)),
border: Border.all(color: Colors.cyan.shade500, width: 1.5),
color: Colors.cyan.shade600,
boxShadow: [
color: Colors.cyan.shade500,
blurRadius: 25)
titleButtonStyle: TextButton.styleFrom(),
titleSelectedButtonStyle: TextButton.styleFrom(
elevation: 0,
backgroundColor: Colors.cyan.shade700,
shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(5.0),
titleTextStyle: const TextStyle(
color: Colors.white,
titleSelectedTextStyle: const TextStyle(
color: Colors.white54,
child: const Text('انتخاب روز ماه و سال')),
toPersianDigit extension
/// show this digits with persian format
MinimalPersianCalendar Parameters
Parameter | Description | Type | Default |
context |
Callback function returning the picked date | BuildContext | Required |
onSubmit |
Callback function returning the picked date | Function(Jalali jalaliDate, String dateInText) | Required |
initialDate |
Initial date displayed in the calendar | DateTime | |
borderRadius |
Border radius of the dialog box | double | 20 |
maxYear |
Maximum selectable year | int | + 11 |
minYear |
Minimum selectable year | int | |
primaryColor |
Choose primary color | Color | null |
onPrimaryColor |
Choose on primary color | Color | null |
background |
Choose background color | Color | null |
titleTextStyle |
Change text style of the title texts | TextStyle | null |
titleSelectedTextStyle |
Change text style of the selected title texts | TextStyle | null |
dateTextStyle |
Change text style of the date texts | TextStyle | null |
dateSelectedTextStyle |
Change text style of the selected date texts | TextStyle | null |
submitTextStyle |
Change text style of the submit text | TextStyle | null |
submitTitle |
Change the title of the submit button | String | null |
cancelTextStyle |
Change text style of the cancel text | TextStyle | null |
cancelTitle |
Change the title of the cancel button | String | null |
CustomDecorationPersianCalendar Parameters
Parameter | Description | Type | Default |
context |
Callback function returning the picked date | BuildContext | Required |
onSubmit |
Callback function returning the picked date | Function(Jalali jalaliDate, String dateInText) | Required |
initialDate |
Initial date displayed in the calendar | DateTime | |
borderRadius |
Border radius of the dialog box | double | 20 |
maxYear |
Maximum selectable year | int | + 11 |
minYear |
Minimum selectable year | int | |
primaryColor |
Choose primary color | Color | null |
onPrimaryColor |
Choose on primary color | Color | null |
background |
Choose background color | Color | null |
titleBoxStyle |
Change the decoration of the title box | BoxDecoration | null |
titleButtonStyle |
Change the button style of the title buttons | ButtonStyle | null |
titleSelectedButtonStyle |
Change the button style of the selected title buttons | ButtonStyle | null |
titleTextStyle |
Change text style of the title texts | TextStyle | null |
titleSelectedTextStyle |
Change text style of the selected title texts | TextStyle | null |
dateButtonStyle |
Change the button style of the date buttons | ButtonStyle | null |
dateSelectedButtonStyle |
Change the button style of the selected date buttons | ButtonStyle | null |
dateTextStyle |
Change text style of the date texts | TextStyle | null |
dateSelectedTextStyle |
Change text style of the selected date texts | TextStyle | null |
submitButtonStyle |
Change the button style of the submit buttons | ButtonStyle | null |
submitTextStyle |
Change text style of the submit text | TextStyle | null |
submitTitle |
Change the title of the submit button | String | null |
cancelButtonStyle |
Change the button style of the cancel buttons | ButtonStyle | null |
cancelTextStyle |
Change text style of the cancel text | TextStyle | null |
cancelTitle |
Change the title of the cancel button | String | null |
Contributions are always welcome! If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or feature requests, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.
If you would like to contribute to the project, please read the file for more information on how to contribute.
- core/enum/enum
- core/extension/space_xy
- core/extension/to_persian_digit
- feature/feature_custom_decoration/custom_decoration_persian_calendar
- feature/feature_dialog_box/date_picker_dialog_box
- feature/feature_dialog_box/date_picker_dialog_box_without_day
- feature/feature_minimal/minimal_persian_calendar
- persian_calendar_widget