PermissionActions extension

Actions that can be executed on a permission.



shouldShowRequestRationale Future<bool>
If you should show a rationale for requesting permission.
no setter
status Future<PermissionStatus>
Checks the current status of the given Permission.
no setter


onDeniedCallback(FutureOr<void>? callback()?) Permission
Method to set a callback for when permission is denied.
onGrantedCallback(FutureOr<void>? callback()?) Permission
Method to set a callback for when permission is granted.
onLimitedCallback(FutureOr<void>? callback()?) Permission
Method to set a callback for when permission is limited.
onPermanentlyDeniedCallback(FutureOr<void>? callback()?) Permission
Method to set a callback for when permission is permanently denied.
onProvisionalCallback(FutureOr<void>? callback()?) Permission
Method to set a callback for when permission is provisional.
onRestrictedCallback(FutureOr<void>? callback()?) Permission
Method to set a callback for when permission is restricted.
request() Future<PermissionStatus>
Request the user for access to this Permission, if access hasn't already been grant access before.