PerfectAutocompleteOptionsViewBuilder<T extends Object> typedef

PerfectAutocompleteOptionsViewBuilder<T extends Object> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, PerfectAutocompleteOnSelected<T> onSelected, Iterable<T> options, void onSizeChange(Size?))

The type of the PerfectRawAutocomplete callback which returns a Widget that displays the specified options and calls onSelected if the user selects an option.

The returned widget from this callback will be wrapped in an PerfectAutocompleteHighlightedOption inherited widget. This will allow this callback to determine which option is currently highlighted for keyboard navigation.

See also:


typedef PerfectAutocompleteOptionsViewBuilder<T extends Object> = Widget
  BuildContext context,
  PerfectAutocompleteOnSelected<T> onSelected,
  Iterable<T> options,
  void Function(Size?) onSizeChange,