PensilThemeData constructor

  1. Brightness? brightness,
  2. IconThemeData? primaryIconTheme,
  3. UserTileThemeData? userTileTheme,
  4. GalleryHeaderThemeData? galleryHeaderTheme,
  5. MarkdownThemeData? markdownTheme,

Builds a PensilThemeData with default values, if none are given.


factory PensilThemeData({
  Brightness? brightness,
  IconThemeData? primaryIconTheme,
  UserTileThemeData? userTileTheme,
  GalleryHeaderThemeData? galleryHeaderTheme,
  MarkdownThemeData? markdownTheme,
}) {
  // Use the given brightness, or a default
  final _brightness = brightness ?? Brightness.light;
  // Determine dark or light
  final isDark = _brightness == Brightness.dark;

  // Use the given primaryIconTheme or a default.
  primaryIconTheme ??= IconThemeData(
    color: isDark ? const Color(0xff959595) : const Color(0xff757575),

  // Use the given userTileTheme or a default.
  userTileTheme ??= const UserTileThemeData(
    usernameTextStyle: TextStyle(
      color: Color(0xff333333),
      fontWeight: FontWeight.w700,
      fontSize: 14,
    timestampTextStyle: TextStyle(
      color: Color(0xff7a8287),
      fontWeight: FontWeight.w400,
      height: 1.5,
      fontSize: 14,
    avatarSize: 46,

  // Use the given galleryHeaderTheme or a default.
  galleryHeaderTheme ??= const GalleryHeaderThemeData(
    closeButtonColor: Colors.white,
    titleTextStyle: TextStyle(
      color: Colors.white,

  markdownTheme ??= const MarkdownThemeData(
    h1: TextStyle(
      fontSize: 24,
      height: 1.15,
      fontWeight: FontWeight.w300,
    h2: TextStyle(
      fontSize: 22,
      height: 1.15,
      fontWeight: FontWeight.normal,
    h3: TextStyle(
      fontSize: 20,
      height: 1.15,
      fontWeight: FontWeight.w500,
    h4: TextStyle(
      fontSize: 18,
      fontWeight: FontWeight.w500,
    h5: TextStyle(
      fontSize: 16,
      fontWeight: FontWeight.w500,
    h6: TextStyle(
      fontSize: 14,
      fontWeight: FontWeight.w500,
    p: TextStyle(fontSize: 14),

  return PensilThemeData.raw(
    brightness: _brightness,
    primaryIconTheme: primaryIconTheme,
    userTileTheme: userTileTheme,
    galleryHeaderTheme: galleryHeaderTheme,
    markdownTheme: markdownTheme,