setCaptureRate method
Set video frame capture rate.
This can be used to set a different video frame capture rate than the recorded video's playback rate. This method also sets the recording mode to time lapse. In time lapse video recording, only video is recorded. Audio related parameters are ignored when a time lapse recording session starts, if an application sets them.
: Rate at which frames should be captured in frames per second.
The fps can go as low as desired. However the fastest fps will be limited
by the hardware. For resolutions that can be captured by the video camera,
the fastest fps can be computed using
CameraParameters.getPreviewFpsRange For higher resolutions the fastest
fps may be more restrictive. Note that the recorder cannot guarantee that
frames will be captured at the given rate due to camera/encoder
limitations. However it tries to be as close as possible.
Future<void> setCaptureRate(double fps) {
return _channel.$setCaptureRate(this, fps);