updateCommentPropertiesCount method

Future<void> updateCommentPropertiesCount({
  1. required String feedId,
  2. required String commentId,
  3. int reactionsCount = 0,
  4. int repliesCount = 0,


Future<void> updateCommentPropertiesCount({
  required final String feedId,
  required final String commentId,
  final int reactionsCount = 0,
  final int repliesCount = 0,
}) async {
  try {
    final _feedRef = PeamanReferenceHelper.feedsCol.doc(feedId);
    final _parentCommentRef = _feedRef.collection('comments').doc(commentId);
    final _data = <String, dynamic>{
      'reactions_count': FieldValue.increment(reactionsCount),
      'replies_count': FieldValue.increment(repliesCount),

    await _parentCommentRef.update(_data);
    print('Success: Updating comment properties count of $commentId');
  } catch (e) {
    print('Error!!!: Updating comment properties count of $commentId');
    return null;