exportAsImageFromFilePath static method

Future<String?> exportAsImageFromFilePath(
  1. int? pageNumber,
  2. int? dpi,
  3. String? exportFormat,
  4. String? filePath,

Exports the specified page to an image format defined by exportFormat.

var resultImagePath = await PdftronFlutter.exportAsImage(1, 92, ExportFormat.BMP, '/sdcard/Download/red.pdf');

Returns the absolute path to the resulting image. pageNumber is 1-indexed, and the page is taken from the PDF file at the given filePath. The image's resolution is determined by the value of dpi. exportFormat is given as one of the ExportFormat constants.


static Future<String?> exportAsImageFromFilePath(
    int? pageNumber, int? dpi, String? exportFormat, String? filePath) {
  return _channel
      .invokeMethod(Functions.exportAsImageFromFilePath, <String, dynamic>{
    Parameters.pageNumber: pageNumber,
    Parameters.dpi: dpi,
    Parameters.exportFormat: exportFormat,
    Parameters.path: filePath