toRect method

Rect toRect({
  1. required PdfPage page,
  2. Size? scaledPageSize,
  3. int? rotation,

Convert to Rect in Flutter coordinate. page is the page to convert the rectangle. scaledPageSize is the scaled page size to scale the rectangle. If not specified, PdfPage.size is used. rotation is the rotation of the page. If not specified, PdfPage.rotation is used.


Rect toRect({
  required PdfPage page,
  Size? scaledPageSize,
  int? rotation,
}) {
  final rotated = rotate(rotation ?? page.rotation.index, page);
  final scale =
      scaledPageSize == null ? 1.0 : scaledPageSize.height / page.height;
  return Rect.fromLTRB(
    rotated.left * scale,
    (page.height - * scale,
    rotated.right * scale,
    (page.height - rotated.bottom) * scale,