
Simple PayU integration for Flutter.


For now, you can use PayUWebView widget to build your PayU WebView. First you need to:

  1. create and configure PayUFlutter object
  2. create and place PayUOrder using using prepareOrder method
  3. pass response from prepareOrder it to PayUWebView widget.


Crating and configure PayUFlutter object

 PayUFlutter payuFlutter = PayUFlutter(
    clientId: 1,
    clientSecret: 'SECRET',
    isProduction: false,

Create and place PayUOrder using using prepareOrder method

  PayUOrder order = PayUOrder(
      posId: 398870,
      description: 'ZAKUPY',
      currencyCode: 'PLN',
      buyer: PayUBuyer(
        email: '',
        firstName: 'null',
        language: 'pl',
        lastName: 'null',
        phone: '555555555',
      products: [
          name: 'poo',
          unitPrice: 100,
          quantity: 10,
    PayUOrderResponse payUOrderResponse = await payuFlutter.prepareOrder(order);

Pass response from prepareOrder it to PayUWebView widget.

        builder: (WebViewController controller, Widget child) {
            return child;
        orderResponse: payUOrderResponse,
        redirectUrl: redirectUrl,

See example where I implemented 2 different flows of displaying the WebView. Remember to place there your valid PayU account settings WebViewController is available in builder to allow doing some webview magic like reload, refresh go back etc.